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Результаты 60 по 79 из 127 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Household Behaviour Patterns: Unsustainable Food Consumption Leading to Food Waste ProductionКисель Агния Андреевна; Kisel Agnia Andreevna
2021How Live Shopping Influences Impulse Buying Desire : An S-O-R Model PerspectiveВан Сыци; Van Syci
2024Identification of Factors of Perception of Chinese Consumers Towards Russian Food ProductsЛебедева Маргарита Антоновна; Lebedeva Margarita Antonovna
2021The impact of advertising integrations on the behavior of podcast listenersСвирюкова Анастасия Сергеевна; Svirukova Anastasia Sergeevna
2024The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Usage in Digital Marketing on the Consumer Purchasing IntentionШиряева Анастасия Сергеевна; Siraeva Anastasia Sergeevna
2021The impact of co-creation on consumer behavior in game industryЗаречнева Ксения Дмитриевна; Zarecneva Ksenia Dmitrievna
2023Impact of Communicative Methods to Stimulate Online Reviews on Customer BehaviorМайсей Анастасия Вадимовна; Majsej Anastasia Vadimovna
2024The Impact of Crisis Communications on Consumer Perception of the CompanyМакарова Анна Евгеньевна; Makarova Anna Evgenevna
2020Impact of gamification in marketing on consumer behavioral intentionsМуравская Снежана Александровна; Muravskaa Snezana Aleksandrovna
2024The Impact of Influence Marketing on Consumer Loyalty in the Cosmetics IndustryАлфимова Яна Андреевна; Alfimova Ana Andreevna
2022The Impact of P2P Service Platform Interface on User Trust and BehaviorСычева Варвара Владимировна; Syceva Varvara Vladimirovna
2020The impact of promotions with uncertain rewards on consumer behaviorСавельева Полина Сергеевна; Saveleva Polina Sergeevna
2021Impact of rewards on generation and use of online consumer reviewsХолдорбекова Зарина Дилдоровна; Holdorbekova Zarina Dildorovna
2023The Impact of Virtual Try-On on Purchase Intention in the Russian Makeup Cosmetics Online MarketЖигунова Полина Евгеньевна; Zigunova Polina Evgenevna
2016The improvement of joint promotion program for a wine distributor: A case study of simpleКутергина Евгения Викторовна; Kutergina Evgeniya
2023Improvement of the Comandor&Cinema Branding Program in the Russian Hosiery MarketСоколова Анна Александровна; Sokolova Anna Aleksandrovna
2020Improvement of the communication strategy with the end-users and service providers for the online freelance market “X”Антонова Елена Юрьевна; Antonova Elena Urevna
2024Improving In-App Marketing Communications for the "Delivery" Service in the "Yandex Go" SuperappГоловнёва Анастасия Андреевна; Golovneva Anastasia Andreevna
2020Improving multichannel marketing strategy of "Zenit-Trade" JSCБогомолов Павел Сергеевич; Bogomolov Pavel Sergeevic
2024Improving Positioning for the New Kaleidoscope Hotel in the City of KazanСмирнов Владислав Алексеевич; Smirnov Vladislav Alekseevic