Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы PetrovaSavcenko Anastasia Andreevna

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Результаты 1 по 20 из 29  дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Adaptation of Corporate Strategies to a Pandemic and Geopolitical Crisis: The Case of Consulting CompaniesГромов Александр Александрович; Gromov Aleksandr Aleksandrovic
2021Adaptation of global corporations promotion strategies to social values changesКазыкенова Дарина; Kazykenova Darina
2020Business model development of the "VkusVill" company on Belarus marketКондрашова Юлия Андреевна; Kondrasova Ulia Andreevna
2020Corporate social portfolio development for China Post GroupЮнда Вероника Михайловна; Unda Veronika Mihajlovna
2023Customer Values Influence on Companies Value Chain in Pakistan Fashion IndustryМухаммад Акса Али; Muhammad Aksa Ali
2024Development of an Online Promotion Strategy for the Restaurant "Cabana Burgers"Уваров Даниил Юрьевич; Uvarov Daniil Urevic
2022The Development of Entry Strategy to Kazakhstan Market for NGC ClinicЧаликов Денис Витальевич; Calikov Denis Vitalevic
2023Ensuring Well-Being for the Employees of “Lenta” LLCОчковский Илья Павлович; Ockovskij Ila Pavlovic
2023Entry Strategy of JSC "Smurfit Kappa RUS" onto the Belarusian MarketРудова Алиса Ксения Олеговна; Rudova Alisa Ksenia Olegovna
2021ESG factors impact on decisions of institutional investorsКоновалов Артем Олегович; Konovalov Artem Olegovic
2023The Expansion Strategy of FROMM Company on the Russian Market of Home FragrancesКотова Дарья Алексеевна; Kotova Dara Alekseevna
2022Foreign Market Entry for LLC "SOYUZBLANKIZDAT"Антонова Ксения Сергеевна; Antonova Ksenia Sergeevna
2022Higher Education Digital Transformation During COVID-19: A Cross-Country Analysis of Indian and Russian Business SchoolsБхандари Кирти; Bhandari Kirti
2021The impact of cancel culture on business ethics: a comparative analysis of the American and Russian approachesПолещук Анастасия Владимировна; Polesuk Anastasia Vladimirovna
2023Knowledge Transfer from Neuroscience to Management: a Critical Review and Prospects of Application to Business ProcessesЦой Ксения; Coj Ksenia
2020Luxury and fast fashion brands: corporate social performance comparative analysisГаврилова Александра Сергеевна; Gavrilova Aleksandra Sergeevna
2021Market entry strategy on the German market for the Stayer CompanyЖивотова Екатерина Валерьевна; Zivotova Ekaterina Valerevna
2024Megamix's Entry Strategy into the Kazakhstan MarketБагнюк Татьяна Алексеевна; Bagnuk Tatana Alekseevna
2022Partnership Strategies of the Social Enterprise Inclusive Workshops "Prostie veschi" with Large CompaniesСлукина Юлия Александровна; Slukina Ulia Aleksandrovna
2023Promotion and Monetization Strategy for My.games Company on the Japanese MarketБорец Агата Михайловна; Borec Agata Mihajlovna