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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Adoption of Learning Management Systems among Faculty Members in RussiaКрюков Эрик Сергеевич; Krukov Erik Sergeevic
2018Analysis of the Gaps in Consumer Perception of a Customer-Oriented Approach in the Banking IndustryОбухов Никита Сергеевич; Obukhov Nikita
2020Applying the customer-oriented approach to the development of technological solutions in the retail sphereТокарева Дарья Александровна; Tokareva Dara Aleksandrovna
2023Behavioral Intentions Formation Factors of Buyers in the Organic Food Market of Saint-PetersburgТумаев Максим Андреевич; Tumaev Maksim Andreevic
2024Brand Activism as an Influencing Factor on Consumer Behavior in the Russian Apparel MarketЧертополохова Анна Андреевна; Certopolohova Anna Andreevna
2018Consumer Behavior in the Organic Food MarketАйвазян Мэри Гайковна; Aivazian Meri
2024Consumer Perception of Beauty Brands’ ESG Claims: Country of Origin EffectЗотова Ксения Андреевна; Zotova Ksenia Andreevna
2022Consumers’ Attitude Towards Green Marketing in Russian Fast Fashion Market: Factors and ImplicationsВоробей Любовь Сергеевна; Vorobej Lubov Sergeevna
2017Consumer’s Attitude Towards Online Shopping in RussiaМальцев Артём Романович; Maltsev Artem
2018Determinants of Customer Satisfaction on Chinese and Russian M-Commerce MarketsШарко Ольга Игоревна; Sharko Olga
2018Determining Factors of Adoption of Digital Device Wallets by Russian ConsumersВороненко Дмитрий Олегович; Voronenko Dmitrii
2024Development of a Marketing Strategy for Launching an Online Course for EntrepreneursГусак Надежда; Gusak Nadezda
2024Development of a Plan for Promoting the "OVATION" Brand Product on the Wildberries Marketplace Using Internal Platform ToolsПахолков Егор Павлович; Paholkov Egor Pavlovic
2021Development of a pricing strategy for the "Primorskiy Park Pobedy" JSC commercial sports cluster projectЗенишин Алексей Андреевич; Zenisin Aleksej Andreevic
2023Development of a Program to Improve the Client Experience of the Fitness Club Network «Fitness House Prestige»Федорчук Инесса Ахмадовна; Fedorcuk Inessa Ahmadovna
2024Development of a Strategy for Bringing g a 24-Hour Self-Service Zone of the MFC to the Market of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad RegionКарауш Максим; Karaus Maksim
2021Development of co-branding events to promote the 12 STOREEZ brand on the Russian women's clothing marketБебекина Александра Сергеевна; Bebekina Aleksandra Sergeevna
2024Development of Elements of a Marketing Strategy for the Ilyich Market Construction and Repair Materials StoreКосолапова Александра Дмитриевна; Kosolapova Aleksandra Dmitrievna
2024Development of Marketing Plan to Promote the SPORTLAB Studio (in Peterhof)Морозова Полина Леонидовна; Morozova Polina Leonidovna
2024Development of Marketing Recommendations for the Advancement of the Virtual Assistant "Eva" as a Digital Ambassador of MegaFon CompanyДжурук Станислава Андреевна; Dzuruk Stanislava Andreevna