Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Ермолаева Любовь Андреевна

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Результаты 1 по 19 из 19
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Amway business model adaptation for entry to UzbekistanКим Наталья Владимировна; Kim Natala Vladimirovna
2021Artificial intelligence as an instrument for sustaianable development (the case of PJSC Magnit)Ильчук Екатерина Александровна; Ilcuk Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2023Communication Strategies of Foreign MNEs on the Russian Market During Geopolitical Crisis of 2022Муценек Инга Дмитриевна; Mucenek Inga Dmitrievna
2022The Crisis Effects on Costs of Doing Business of Foreign Subsidiaries in RussiaСорокина Екатерина Евгеньевна; Sorokina Ekaterina Evgenevna
2022Defensive Marketing Against Disruptive TechnologyЮэ Цзетянь; Ue Czetan
2023Determinants of Migrant Entrepreneurship: the Case of Russophone Migrant Entrepreneurs in CanadaХамидуллина Анна Игоревна; Hamidullina Anna Igorevna
2022Development of a Corporate Sustainability Strategy for the AK SK Architectural BureauТерещенко Денис Олегович; Teresenko Denis Olegovic
2022The Development of Entry Strategy to Kazakhstan Market for NGC ClinicЧаликов Денис Витальевич; Calikov Denis Vitalevic
2023Development of Internationalization Strategy for a Sound Amplifies Production CompanyЛягощин Вадим Александрович; Lagosin Vadim Aleksandrovic
2023Entry Strategy of JSC "Smurfit Kappa RUS" onto the Belarusian MarketРудова Алиса Ксения Олеговна; Rudova Alisa Ksenia Olegovna
2023Entry Strategy of Kazakh Company «Sarybay TRD» into Foreign MarketЖусупеков Рахат; Zusupekov Rahat
2023Expansion of Kitfort's Presence in the Market of KazakhstanСметанин Илья Александрович; Smetanin Ila Aleksandrovic
2021Foreign market entry strategy for the Russian retailer "Magnit"Карловский Алексей Анатольевич; Karlovskij Aleksej Anatolevic
2021Inconsistency between business schools graduates' competencies and needs of employers on the Russian job marketБеляев Максим Александрович; Belaev Maksim Aleksandrovic
2021Influence of perceived value on fashion luxury purchase decision in different cultural contexts: the case of Russia and SpainГаврилова Диана Евгеньевна; Gavrilova Diana Evgenevna
2021Levaraging human rights agenda in communication with stakeholders: evidence from the USAЯзе Савелий Владимирович; Aze Savelij Vladimirovic
2023New Foreign Market Entry Strategy for a Company DiakontКорухчян Мисак Володяевич; Koruhcan Misak Volodaevic
2022Procurement Strategy of Grand Medical Company on the Chinese Market of Medical Equipment for Distribution in RussiaЕсмурат Даурен; Esmurat Dauren
2022Success of Mergers Integration: Untangling the Employees PerceptionАйере Тениола Омородже; Ajere Teniola Omorodze