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Результаты 49 по 68 из 70 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018The Relationship Between Board of Directors Characteristics, Ownership Structure and Earnings Management of Kazakhstani Listed CompaniesКораласбаева Умитей; Koralasbayeva Umitey
2020The Relationship between CEO Traits and a Company's PerformanceМахалина Елизавета Юрьевна; Mahalina Elizaveta Urevna
2023The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Financial Performance of Russian CompaniesЕфременкова Маргарита Александровна; Efremenkova Margarita Aleksandrovna
2018Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures and Performance Indicators of Russian CompaniesТихонова Кристина Александровна; Tikhonova Kristina
2023The Relationship Between Financial Position and Earnings Management of Russian CompaniesСоловьева Анна Ильинична; Soloveva Anna Ilinicna
2024The Relationship Between Financial Slack and Financial Performance of the CompanyОснач Софья Васильевна; Osnac Sofa Vasilevna
2021Relationship between gender diversity of boards and earnings management in Russian companiesШафранская Майя Артуровна; Safranskaa Maja Arturovna
2020Relationship between index of financial and non-financial information disclosure and performance of Russian companiesКондакова Кристина Михайловна; Kondakova Kristina Mihajlovna
2020The relationship between market and accounting indicators of Russian companiesАндреева Диана Эдуардовна; Andreeva Diana Eduardovna
2024The Relationship between Market and Accounting Indicators of Russian CompaniesУхачёв Михаил Михайлович; Uhacev Mihail Mihajlovic
2024The Relationship between the Characteristics of the CEO and Financial Performance: a Study of Russian Medium and Small Capitalization CompaniesХватков Тимофей Ильич; Hvatkov Timofej Ilic
2021Relationship between the Level of Debt and Earnings Management of Russian CompaniesПоберезкая Анастасия Дмитриевна; Poberezkaa Anastasia Dmitrievna
2022The Relationship Between the System of Corporate Governance, the Level of Financial Distress and the Level of Earnings Management in Russian CompaniesХлыстунов Евгений Андреевич; Hlystunov Evgenij Andreevic
2020The relationship of dividend policy and investment decisions of Russian companies: the role of cash flow uncertaintyВолобуева Дарья Юрьевна; Volobueva Dara Urevna
2020The Role of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee in Restraining Earnings Management: Analysis of Russian FirmsСвиридов Андрей Андреевич; Sviridov Andrej Andreevic
2023The Short-Term Impact of M&A Deals on the Financial Performance of European BiddersБульдович Андрей Дмитриевич; Buldovic Andrej Dmitrievic
2020The specifics of investment policy and performance of Russian companies with dual class sharesСулейманов Теймур Рафикович; Sulejmanov Tejmur Rafikovic
2017A Study Of Factors That Determine The Level Of A Company’s Earnings ManipulationЗинченко Андрей Алексеевич; Zinchenko Andrei
2022A Study of Interconnection Between the EV/Sales Multiple and the Financial Indicators of the US IT CompaniesНагорнев Артемий Андреевич; Nagornev Artemij Andreevic
2018Total Shareholder Return of Russian Public Companies: Relationship with Performance Indicators and Identification of Key DriversАксенова Софья Денисовна; Aksenova Sofia