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Результаты 16 по 35 из 44 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Decision on the Russian E-commerce Market: The Case of Household GoodsБаджадж Анита Самировна; Badzadz Anita Samirovna
2021Factors of behavior of customers of online stores at the stage of plaсing an orderМорозова Мария Павловна; Morozova Maria Pavlovna
июн-2019Features of legal regulation of the digital economy and digital technologies in ChinaTroshchinskiy, Pavel V.; Molotnikov, Alexander E.
2018The image of the Chinese company ALIBABA in the Russian media environmentСюе Кан; Xue Kang
2024The Impact of Crisis Communications on Consumer Perception of the CompanyМакарова Анна Евгеньевна; Makarova Anna Evgenevna
2021Impact of rewards on generation and use of online consumer reviewsХолдорбекова Зарина Дилдоровна; Holdorbekova Zarina Dildorovna
2016The impact of telecommunication technologies on business development in the countries of the Eurasian Economic CommunityЧеркасов Андрей Дмитриевич; Cherkasov Andrei
2020The impact of the Сhinese internet trading platform on the development of e-commerce in Russia: a sociological analysisШэнь Фэйфэй; Sen Fejfej
2016Implementation of associative rule learning algorithm in generatng shopping cartСтолов Игорь Михайлович; Stolov Igor
2020Improvement of distribution logistics for company "Age of innocence"Токарева Олеся Александровна; Tokareva Olesa Aleksandrovna
2022The influence of logistics on the development of communications with consumers in Russia and China: economic and sociological analysisСин Синьсинь; Sin Sinsin
2016Integration of CRM system with social networks as part of quality management approach: Case for a Russian regional company from beauty industryКоновалова Дарья; Konovalova Darya
2023International Digital Marketing: Modern Challenges and TrendsЧанмисри Джиратха; Canmisri Dziratha
2019International legal protection of consumers' rights in e-commerceРева Алёна Александровна; Reva Alena Aleksandrovna
2018Internationalization Strategy of Chinese E-Commerce Firms. The Case of Alibaba GroupВан Жуй; Wang Rui
2023Internet marketing: experience of Russian and foreign companiesКалинин Никита Витальевич; Kalinin Nikita Vitalevic
2015Key factors influencing Russian users’ decision to participate in online auctionsKovalenko, Kseniia G.; Коваленко, К. Г.
июн-2024Legal status of the operator of e-commerce platform in ChinaAlekseenko, Aleksandr P.
2017Localization and Adaptation of B2B/B2C Business Model in Russia: Case Study of Alibaba Group Holding LimitedАлександрова Мария Владимировна; Aleksandrova Maria
мар-2022Multi-criteria approach to forming the return policy of e-commerce companies in RussiaGerami, V. D.; Gusev, D. A.; Sarkisyan, A. A.