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Результаты 1 по 20 из 22  дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Amway business model adaptation for entry to UzbekistanКим Наталья Владимировна; Kim Natala Vladimirovna
2021Artificial intelligence as an instrument for sustaianable development (the case of PJSC Magnit)Ильчук Екатерина Александровна; Ilcuk Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2022Development of a Corporate Sustainability Strategy for the AK SK Architectural BureauТерещенко Денис Олегович; Teresenko Denis Olegovic
2022Development of a Сorporate Sustainability Strategy for International Tobacco Companies in the Russian MarketБеззубенков Никита Иванович; Bezzubenkov Nikita Ivanovic
2023Development of the Сorporate Volunteering Strategy for Ural SteelМендыбаева Аружана; Mendybaeva Aruzana
2023Expatriate Employees Retention Strategies in Emirates AirlineКоновалов Егор Владимирович; Konovalov Egor Vladimirovic
2022Higher Education Digital Transformation During COVID-19: A Cross-Country Analysis of Indian and Russian Business SchoolsБхандари Кирти; Bhandari Kirti
2020Identifying Barriers to Sustainable Consumer Behavior: A Customer Journey Mapping ApproachКаледина Елизавета Константиновна; Kaledina Elizaveta Konstantinovna
2021The impact of cancel culture on business ethics: a comparative analysis of the American and Russian approachesПолещук Анастасия Владимировна; Polesuk Anastasia Vladimirovna
2021Impacts of carbon performance on financial performance: the case of ICT sectorЖалубаева Айдана; Zalubaeva Ajdana
2020Integration of UN sustainable development goals into value chain of Uniqlo CompanyСпиридонова Анна; Spiridonova Anna
2023Internationalization Strategy for Division of Serial Drive Technology of "Diakont" CompanуКиселев Владислав Владимирович; Kiselev Vladislav Vladimirovic
2023Knowledge Transfer from Neuroscience to Management: a Critical Review and Prospects of Application to Business ProcessesЦой Ксения; Coj Ksenia
2020Luxury and fast fashion brands: corporate social performance comparative analysisГаврилова Александра Сергеевна; Gavrilova Aleksandra Sergeevna
2023Relationship of Consumer Perception of Corporate Social Performance of Businesses with Purchase Intention (Evidence from the Public Food Service Enterprises)Демина Евгения Владимировна; Demina Evgenia Vladimirovna
2020The Role of UN SDGs in Business Sustainability Transformation: The Case of Food Retail CompaniesСидоренко Анна Юрьевна; Sidorenko Anna Urevna
2023South Africa Market Entry Strategy for K&H Annala Oy СompanyОсакве Соломон Чуквуйк; Osakve Solomon Cukvujk
2023Strategic Recommendations to Increase Domestic and International Competitiveness for a Football Club: the Case of Manchester UnitedМладенов Даниел Пламенов; Mladenov Daniel Plamenov
2023Strategy of Import Substitution for "ООО Фармтек" companyБондарь Анастасия Андреевна; Bondar Anastasia Andreevna
2020The strategy of the company "Love Republic" based on sustainability principlesЮркина Вера; Urkina Vera