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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 232
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Development of tools for analyzing customer loyalty for a large companyМалаванх Онепавина; Malavanh Onepavina
2024Digital culture as a tool to reduce bank staff turnoverЯковец Екатерина Евгеньевна; Akovec Ekaterina Evgenevna
2024Improving state support and development of export-oriented enterprises in St PetersburgСидоренко Таисия Михайловна; Sidorenko Taisia Mihajlovna
2024Improving communications in the company's management systemТрачук Егор Викторович; Tracuk Egor Viktorovic
2024Managing culture in a socially responsible companyМошкина Екатерина Владимировна; Moskina Ekaterina Vladimirovna
2024Parity in international trade and the globalisation of the renminbiГао И; Gao I
2024Improving the effectiveness of employee appraisals in HR managementЛяо Цзяхуэй; Lao Czahuej
2024Establishing an effective system for labour rationing in the organisationЧэн Тяньтянь; Cen Tantan
2024Instruments of state regulation of youth unemployment: the case of the PRCХу Линъюй; Hu Linʺuj
2024Improving human resources outsourcing in organisational managementЛу Чэнфэн; Lu Cenfen
2024The global floriculture industry: logistics and transport aspects (a case study of the cut flower segment)Кондор Симбанья Браян Алексис; Kondor Simbana Braan Aleksis
2024Implementation of new financial technologies in commercial banks in ChinaЦай Цзюньчэнвэй; Caj Czuncenvej
2023Anti-crisis industrial policy: comparative analysis of state support measures adopted by regional authorities in the Russian Federation during the COVID-19 pandemicКошкин Андрей Вячеславович; Koskin Andrej Vaceslavovic
2023International Digital Marketing: Modern Challenges and TrendsЧанмисри Джиратха; Canmisri Dziratha
2023Formation and development of banking ecosystemsДжанузаков Чолпонбек; Dzanuzakov Colponbek
2023Industrial Machinery Trade Between Russian Federation and Turkiye: Main Trends and ProspectsТурккан Барыш; Turkkan Barys
2023Mass recruitment in IT companies in ChinaЯн Тяньсинь; An Tansin
2023Organizational culture management of service enterprisesГо Цзыхуэй; Go Czyhuej
2023Management of brands localized in ChinaЧжан Лэй; Czan Lej
2023Service digitalizationСаргсян Армине Гагиковна; Sargsan Armine Gagikovna
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 232