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Результаты 3430 по 3449 из 44709 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
дек-2019Climatic Conditions of Steppe and Tundra Formations in the Altai Highland DepressionsChistyakov, Kirill V.; Amosov, Mikhail I.; Volkov, Ilya V.; Kurochkin, Yuriy N.; Lessovaia, Sofia N.; Manakova, Maria V.; Nehuzhenko, Natalia A.; Strelkov, Ivan I.; Tyusov, Gregory A.; Shastina, Galina N.
2016Clinical and morphological features of neuroendocrine gastrointestinal tumours in Saint PetersburgЭльмурзаев Алим Баширович; Elmurzaev Alim
2020The clinical and biochemical correlates of neurocognitive deficit in schizophreniaХоменко Александр Егорович; Homenko Aleksandr Egorovic
2022The clinical and biochemical predictors of cancer immunotherapy toxicityНаймушина Полина Андреевна; Najmusina Polina Andreevna
2020Clinical and endoscopic features of the upper gastrointestinal tract in patients with polymorbid pathologyВеревкина Елена Александровна; Verevkina Elena Aleksandrovna
2016Clinical and epidemiological features of influenza during the period of spring 2015 seasonal riseНюганен Анна Олеговна; Nyuganen Anna
2022The clinical and epidemiological features of patients with HPV-infectionГриб Полина Васильевна; Grib Polina Vasilevna
2019Clinical and experimental rationale for the use of digital linear tomography in multidisciplinary hospitalsБорискина Алена Николаевна; Boriskina Alena Nikolaevna
2016Clinical and functional characteristics of remission in patients with the first-episode schizophreniaРюзина Кристина Александровна; Riuzina Kristina
2017Clinical and functional features of hibernating myocardium diagnosed in patients with type 2 cardiorenal syndromeИыги Антон Андреевич; Iygi Anton
2020Clinical and laboratory characteristics of hepatitis C in patients on hemodialysisБаскакова Регина Петровна; Baskakova Regina Petrovna
2018Clinical and laboratory characteristics of malignancies in HIV-infected patientsЛобанова Полина Сергеевна; Lobanova Polina
2023Clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with end-stage kidney disease depending on the episode of SARS-CoV-2 infectionТертышная Арина Сергеевна; Tertysnaa Arina Sergeevna
2019Clinical and laboratory characteristics of tick-borne infections in 2018Андреева Наталья Андреевна; Andreeva Natala Andreevna
2023The clinical and laboratory diagnostics of trematodosis on an outpatient basisПопова Александра Леонидовна; Popova Aleksandra Leonidovna
2019Clinical and laboratory features of neurosyphilis with HIV co-infectionГафиева Ригина Мазгаровна; Gafieva Rigina Mazgarovna
2016Clinical and laboratory features of primary HIV casesВалиев Иван Робертович; Valiev Ivan
2021The clinical and laboratory profile of outpatient clinic patients with chronic viral hepatitisАнтонова Елизавета Дмитриевна; Antonova Elizaveta Dmitrievna
2020Clinical and microbiological assessment of autoprobiotics performance in a complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitisЖуковская Екатерина Сергеевна; Zukovskaa Ekaterina Sergeevna
2021The clinical and microbiological characteristics of cases of drug-resistant micro-organisms detection in infectious patientsГабибли Айсель Герай кызы; Gabibli Ajsel Geraj kyzy