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Результаты 1 по 20 из 34  дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Accounting-Based Modelling for Bankruptcy Prediction for Privately-Held Small and Medium Manufacturing Companies: the Case of ItalyПогосян Карина Грачьяевна; Pogosan Karina Gracaevna
2024Adaptation of Russian IT Companies to the New Conditions of the Russian IT MarketМинко Андрей Сергеевич; Minko Andrej Sergeevic
2023Adapting to Fintech Disruption: Comparative Case Study of Banking Strategies from Developed and Emerging CountriesБайрамов Азер Шакирович; Bajramov Azer Sakirovic
2022Bank Lending in Russia During the Crisis of the COVID-19 PandemicПодболотова Анастасия Владимировна; Podbolotova Anastasia Vladimirovna
2023Central Bank Digital CurrenciesЭлисондо Эрнандес Хесус Эдуардо; Elisondo Ernandes Hesus Eduardo
2024Chinese Electric Vehicle Company In France: Strategic Market Entry Consulting for Chery Automobile CompanyЧэнь Имин; Cen Imin
2024Creation of Long Term Value of Raiffeisen Heiden Through Social InvestmentШурпик Алиса Борисовна; Surpik Alisa Borisovna
2022Defensive Marketing Against Disruptive TechnologyЮэ Цзетянь; Ue Czetan
2023Designing a System of Key Performance Indicators for Sales Department (Example of Auto Parts Supplier)Лавренко Петр Иванович; Lavrenko Petr Ivanovic
2022The development of Accounting and Tariffication Methodology for Services of the Domestic Operator of Gazprom Neft PJSCСкородумова Алиса Павловна; Skorodumova Alisa Pavlovna
2024Earnings Management at the Initial Public Offering: Analysis of Chinese CompaniesКузьмина Ульяна Константиновна; Kuzmina Ulana Konstantinovna
2021Earnings Management in the EU Banking Sector: Impact of Shifting to Expected Credit Loss ModelНорузпур Махаммадмахди; Noruzpur Mahammadmahdi
2023Efficiency of the F-Score Amidst Macroeconomic Turbulence: India 2022Буянов Александр Сергеевич; Buanov Aleksandr Sergeevic
2023Establishing and Implementing Accounting Processes in an IT Company on the Example of Planeta LLCСеменова Анастасия Романовна; Semenova Anastasia Romanovna
2024Factors Affecting R&D Expenses for Major Oil & Gas CompaniesЗулмуродов Бехруз Лутфулла угли; Zulmurodov Behruz Lutfulla ugli
2024Factors Affecting the Bankruptcy Risk of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Crisis PeriodСорвина Александра Алексеевна; Sorvina Aleksandra Alekseevna
2023Financial Indicators and the Probability of Insolvency for Non-Financial CompaniesАнисимов Глеб Дмитриевич; Anisimov Gleb Dmitrievic
2022Foreign Market Entry for LLC "SOYUZBLANKIZDAT"Антонова Ксения Сергеевна; Antonova Ksenia Sergeevna
2022Foreign Market Entry Strategy for Promease Software CompanyХабибулина Владлена Александровна; Habibulina Vladlena Aleksandrovna
2023The Impact of Audit Characteristics and Board Characteristics on the Corporate Performance of Companies: an Analysis of Public Russian Companies in Relation to the Economic SituationБердинских Даниил Константинович; Berdinskih Daniil Konstantinovic