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2023The Analysis of Employee Engagement at Company XМихайлова Ольга Дмитриевна; Mihajlova Olga Dmitrievna
2020Business plan of crowdrecruitment platformГамаюнов Дмитрий Юрьевич; Gamaunov Dmitrij Urevic
2021Career Strategies as Factors of Subjective Career Success: Business School Graduates ExampleСыроваткина Полина Андреевна; Syrovatkina Polina Andreevna
2020A Case Study on Intercultural Training and Cross-Cultural Adaptation: Taking Russian Employees Working in Chinese Electronic Companies as an ExampleВан Жоюй; Van Zouj
2020Consulting project for the selection of Digital recruitment toolsВасильева Диана Валерьевна; Vasileva Diana Valerevna
2022Corporate E-learning: Developing a Disclosure to Improve the Program "Management Essentials: Practical School of Management"Тристень Кирилл Дмитриевич; Tristen Kirill Dmitrievic
2022Determining Employee Engagement Antecedents in the Company XМочалин Денис Дмитриевич; Mocalin Denis Dmitrievic
2023Development of a Motivation System for Retail Staff on the Example of Company ХБыков Никита Леонидович; Bykov Nikita Leonidovic
2021Development of an employee motivation model of top-managers based on the contract theoryГулам Кристина Ахмадовна; Gulam Kristina Ahmadovna
2021Development of key performance indicators system for the autonomous non-profit organization XЗнаменская Дарья Андреевна; Znamenskaa Dara Andreevna
2021Development of the reward and motivation system in a transcontinental company on the example of a specific unitБамбурина Анна Валерьевна; Bamburina Anna Valerevna
2023Emotional Intelligence of a Manager as a Factor in the Development of Communicative Culture in an OrganizationШарипов Акмаль Халимович; Saripov Akmal Halimovic
2023Employee Engagement in Manufacturing Companies: Specific Features and Ways to Improve itАрхипова Анна; Arhipova Anna
2023Employee Loyalty as a Factor of Employee Retention on the Example of the Company XФеренц Руслана Александровна; Ferenc Ruslana Aleksandrovna
2022Employer Branding: Generation Z Job-Seeking/Employment ExpectationsСинельников Артём Иванович; Sinelnikov Artem Ivanovic
2022The Employer's Brand as a Tool for Attracting IT Specialists. Consulting Project for Bank PJSC "FC Otktitie"Румянцев Максим Андреевич; Rumancev Maksim Andreevic
2020Features of the competency-based approach to personnel management in agile companiesПестова Ника Константиновна; Pestova Nika Konstantinovna
2021Gamification in human resource management on the example of Russian and foreign companiesСкорняков Максим Алексеевич; Skornakov Maksim Alekseevic
2017Human resource manager as a business partner in sports management: Evidence from football clubsЯнышев Наиль Ильдусович; Yanyshev Nail
reviewSV_Kolada.jpg.jpg2022The Impact of Employee Well-Being Programs on Job Satisfaction at Lotos Medical CenterКоляда Софья Алексеевна; Kolada Sofa Alekseevna