Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Клемина Татьяна Николаевна

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Adaptation of global corporations promotion strategies to social values changesКазыкенова Дарина; Kazykenova Darina
2017Additional services as an expansion strategy of Uber in the Russian marketЧершембеева Наталья Эдуардовна; Chershembeeva Natalia
2021Anti-counterfeiting strategy of Louis Vuitton on the Russian marketПанфилова Мария Дмитриевна; Panfilova Maria Dmitrievna
2024Applying Foreign Marketing Strategies to Increase Traffic at the Plyushkin RestaurantТенишев Ринат Ильдарович; Tenisev Rinat Ildarovic
2024Artificial Intelligence in HR: Transformation of HR Functions and Future Development of the HR SphereСинцова Алина Александровна; Sincova Alina Aleksandrovna
2024Chinese Electric Vehicle Company In France: Strategic Market Entry Consulting for Chery Automobile CompanyЧэнь Имин; Cen Imin
2017The development strategy of Bonava in the market of St.PetersburgНовикова Екатерина Владимировна; Novikova Ekaterina
2023The Effects of Remote Working Experience on Work Engagement in Russian Professional Services FirmsАкчурина Ангелина; Akcurina Angelina
2023Ensuring Well-Being for the Employees of “Lenta” LLCОчковский Илья Павлович; Ockovskij Ila Pavlovic
2017Entry strategy of Dr.Niedermaier Pharma for the market of MoscowЧистяков Евгений Юрьевич; Chistyakov Evgeny
2017Entry strategy of Gloria Jeans for the Polish marketБасов Егор Сергеевич; Basov Egor
2022Entry Strategy of Russian Company “STOD” on Chinese MarketМишин Даниил Александрович; Misin Daniil Aleksandrovic
2021ESG factors impact on decisions of institutional investorsКоновалов Артем Олегович; Konovalov Artem Olegovic
2024Ethical Code for GSOM SPbU: Updating Responsibilities Towards StudentsЕвсеева Полина Станиславовна; Evseeva Polina Stanislavovna
2021Evaluation of reactiveness of regulative institutions on technologically innovative productsОвсянникова Мария Владимировна; Ovsannikova Maria Vladimirovna
2024Examining the Effects of Organizational Culture on Guest Satisfaction in the Hotel Industry, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company CaseТемникова Виктория Сергеевна; Temnikova Viktoria Sergeevna
2018Expanding Company "Sudar" Presence in the Markets of CISТоркомян Наира Вановна; Torkomian Naira
2018Expansion Strategy of “iLocked” Company into Foreign MarketsСоколова Елизавета Геннадьевна; Sokolova Elizaveta
2024HR Analytics in a Small Logistics CompanyВеселова Анастасия Викторовна; Veselova Anastasia Viktorovna
2023Improving the Efficiency and Productivity of Production Processes at Graphic Packaging International Based on Domestic and Foreign ExperienceХрускин Артём Сергеевич; Hruskin Artem Sergeevic