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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Approximation of Price Metrics to Value Metrics as a Problem of Applied Pricing (the Case of the Car Market)Сенюшкина Елизавета Дмитриевна; Senuskina Elizaveta Dmitrievna
2016Awareness of marketing stimuli influence on consumer responseГоловачева Ксения Сергеевна
2023Behavioral Intentions Formation Factors of Buyers in the Organic Food Market of Saint-PetersburgТумаев Максим Андреевич; Tumaev Maksim Andreevic
2022Consumers’ Attitude Towards Green Marketing in Russian Fast Fashion Market: Factors and ImplicationsВоробей Любовь Сергеевна; Vorobej Lubov Sergeevna
2020Creating a social media advertising campaign for MyGoboДегтярев Даниил Владимирович; Degtarev Daniil Vladimirovic
2020Development of a marketing strategy for a fitness centre "Fitness_Profi"Юрканова Анастасия Александровна; Urkanova Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2023Development of a Regional Expansion Program for the Russian Clothing Brand WHO I AMКузнецова Арина Александровна; Kuznecova Arina Aleksandrovna
2023Development of an SMM Program to Promote the Brand of the Zeleny Bereg Retail Chain in the Dairy Market of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad RegionСердюкова Юлия Вадимовна; Serdukova Ulia Vadimovna
2021Development of marketing communications instruments for the Peterhof golf clubКудрявцева Дарья Андреевна; Kudravceva Dara Andreevna
2022Development of Marketing Communications Program of the Multidisciplinary Preventive Medicine Clinic LLC "EMS"Рычкова Ангелина Сергеевна; Ryckova Angelina Sergeevna
2021Development of SMM programm to promote "Имидж-школа Елены Анненковой" on the Russian market of education in the sphere of personal imageАнненкова Влада Вячеславовна; Annenkova Vlada Vaceslavovna
2023Development of the Product and Pricing Strategy of the Yandex Online Education Service Yandex.Practicum for the Educational Course Python DeveloperАбрамова Кристина Олеговна; Abramova Kristina Olegovna
2022Development of the Sustainability Branding Methods to Strengthen the GSOM Market PositionСтудент Дарина Владимировна; Student Darina Vladimirovna
2021Evaluation of effectiveness of merchandising in ECCO shoes companyИгнатюк Алёна Викторовна; Ignatuk Alena Viktorovna
2021The formation of loyalty of students to online-cinemas in RussiaШестакова Алена Александровна; Sestakova Alena Aleksandrovna
2020Improvement of the communication strategy with the end-users and service providers for the online freelance market “X”Антонова Елена Юрьевна; Antonova Elena Urevna
2023Improving the Elements of the "HollyWool" Marketing Strategy оn the Russian Market of Yarn and Knitting GoodsМасленникова Анастасия Олеговна; Maslennikova Anastasia Olegovna
2023Improving the Marketing System of the "Vapar Shop" ChainМухаммаджанова Рушания Музаффар-кизи; Muhammadzanova Rusania Muzaffarkizi
2020The influence of country of origin effect on consumers' choice of facial skincare cosmetics on the market of St. Petersburg (on the example of Korean cosmetics)Красноруцкая Ольга Дмитриевна; Krasnoruckaa Olga Dmitrievna
2020The influence of the country-of-origin effect on the Russian consumers' perception of the products of the category "footwear"Стехина Алеся Андреевна; Stehina Alesa Andreevna