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Результаты 22 по 41 из 70 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Designing a System of Key Performance Indicators for Sales Department (Example of Auto Parts Supplier)Лавренко Петр Иванович; Lavrenko Petr Ivanovic
2020Determinants of merger and acquisition premiums in emerging marketsАшихина Марина Павловна; Asihina Marina Pavlovna
2021Determinants of the acquisition premium to market price in Merger and Acquisition dealsЛевинцов Александр Игоревич; Levincov Aleksandr Igorevic
2021Determinants of capital structure of  Russian companies before and after the imposition of sanctionsСиваш Елизавета Алексеевна; Sivas Elizaveta Alekseevna
2022The development of Accounting and Tariffication Methodology for Services of the Domestic Operator of Gazprom Neft PJSCСкородумова Алиса Павловна; Skorodumova Alisa Pavlovna
2024Earnings Management at the Initial Public Offering: Analysis of Chinese CompaniesКузьмина Ульяна Константиновна; Kuzmina Ulana Konstantinovna
2020Earnings Management by Companies Around Stock IssuancesГригорьев Виктор Игоревич; Grigorev Viktor Igorevic
2020Earnings management in public and private companies: comparative analysisФедотов Максим Владимирович; Fedotov Maksim Vladimirovic
2021Earnings Management in the EU Banking Sector: Impact of Shifting to Expected Credit Loss ModelНорузпур Махаммадмахди; Noruzpur Mahammadmahdi
2023Earnings Management, Corporate Governance and Financial Stability: Analysis of Relationship in Russian Public CompaniesЛагунова Алина Олеговна; Lagunova Alina Olegovna
2022Earnings Management, Dividend Policies and Debt of the Russian Companies: Analysis of RelationshipВедерникова Дарья Георгиевна; Vedernikova Dara Georgievna
2023Establishing and Implementing Accounting Processes in an IT Company on the Example of Planeta LLCСеменова Анастасия Романовна; Semenova Anastasia Romanovna
2021Examining the relationship between capital and bank profitability in RussiaБуравой Никита Аркадьевич; Buravoj Nikita Arkadevic
2020Factors of dividend decisions of Russian companiesКузнецов Ярослав Владиславович; Kuznecov Aroslav Vladislavovic
2022Factors of Financial Insolvency of Russian Companies: Analysis of the Engineering IndustryПанфилова Александра Юрьевна; Panfilova Aleksandra Urevna
2020Financial Efficiency Valuation of Category Promo Activities (The Case of Lenta)Брагин Илья Михайлович; Bragin Ila Mihajlovic
2017Impact of Capital Structure on Firm Performance: Evidence from Russian CompaniesКарпухин Леонид Дмитриевич; Karpukhin Leonid
2021The Impact of Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions on Company Performance in BRICS CountriesШереметьев Сергей Сергеевич; Seremetev Sergej Sergeevic
2017The impact of online banking on profitability of Russian banksКовальков Александр Юрьевич; Kovalkov Alexandr
2024Improving the Capital Structure Management Policy of "Segezha Group" as а Part of Solving the Problem of High Debt BurdenСитников Сергей Андреевич; Sitnikov Sergej Andreevic