Browsing by Author Верховская Ольга Рафаиловна

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Showing results 4 to 23 of 43 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Business model development of the "VkusVill" company on Belarus marketКондрашова Юлия Андреевна; Kondrasova Ulia Andreevna
2017Capture of Competitive Advantages by Russian and International Audit Companies: the Case of Russian MarketГулецкий Андрей Андреевич; Guletckii  Andrei
2020The challenges of digital transformation in banking industryТтикку Катерина; Ttikku Katerina
2023Closed-End Investment Fund Launching Strategy on Investment Companies CasesСокольников Кирилл Сергеевич; Sokolnikov Kirill Sergeevic
2017Critical Success Factors in European Football Industry: the Resource-Based View PerspectiveБабаев Анвар Аскарович; Babaev Anvar
2020Determinants of Female Entrepreneurial Intentions in RussiaХрюков Вадим Павлович; Hrukov Vadim Pavlovic
2018Determinants of Female Entrepreneurship: Evidence From GEM DataХлибык Алина Алексеевна; Khlibyk Alina
2018Determinants of Improvement-Driven Opportunity Entrepreneurship: Cross-Regional AnalysisМедведева Елизавета Андреевна; Medvedeva Elizaveta
2016The effects of M&A deals on the company performance: The case of oil and gas industryКрасноруцкая Юлия Вячеславовна; Krasnorutckaia Iuliia
2024Entrepreneurs' Perception on the Government Support Towards Small and Medium Enterprises in Russia and ChinaРоман Артём Игоревич; Roman Artem Igorevic
2017Entry strategy of Fix Price for the market of ArmeniaМустафаев Азер Арзу оглы; Mustafaev Azer
2024Expansion of the Presence of Company X in the Digital Advertising Market in KazakhstanПопов Михаил Михайлович; Popov Mihail Mihajlovic
2017Factors Affecting Category Management Performance in Russian FMCG sectorМельник Галина Александровна; Melnik Galina
2021Factors influencing high-growth aspirations of entrepreneurs: evidence from GEM dataМарасанова Полина Александровна; Marasanova Polina Aleksandrovna
2024Factors of Selection of Knowledge Management Platforms within IT SMEs in RussiaАнтонова Диана Петровна; Antonova Diana Petrovna
2024Formation of Multi-Channel Sales Strategy for the Pet Nutrition Business Unit within the International FMCG Company Operating in the Russian FederationШитикова Алёна Романовна; Sitikova Alena Romanovna
2022The Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Women's Entrepreneurial Activity in Russia: the Evidence of GEM DataОксас Кира Арвидовна; Oksas Kira Arvidovna
2020The Impact of Institutional Factors on Female Entrepreneurship: Evidence from GEM DataМедушенко Алёна Юрьевна; Medusenko Alena Urevna
2021Impact of renewable energy M&A deals on stock returns of oil and gas companiesСвиридов Артем Евгеньевич; Sviridov Artem Evgenevic
2021The Impact of the Economic Freedom on Entrepreneurial Activity: Evidence from GEM DataРумянцев Валентин Андреевич; Rumancev Valentin Andreevic