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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 443
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Energy consumption optimisation based on green pattern usageТарбеев Андрей Владимирович; Tarbeev Andrej Vladimirovic
2024Design and implementation of a network simulator for computer networking education based on Miminet web serviceБакова Елена Зауровна; Bakova Elena Zaurovna
2024LiDAR point cloud segmentation based on image segmentationВивдич Софья Андреевна; Vivdic Sofa Andreevna
2024Designing distributed pointers for a new programming language based on extended JSONПузанов Михаил Олегович; Puzanov Mihail Olegovic
2024Implementation of dynamic attributes in number storage serviceПетров Владимир Сергеевич; Petrov Vladimir Sergeevic
2024Improvement of RTOS Embox network abilityТагильцев Семен Вадимович; Tagilcev Semen Vadimovic
2024Voxel-based planar SLAM pipelineМокеев Павел Евгеньевич; Mokeev Pavel Evgenevic
2024Scene optimisation in SOLVE applicationМищенко Станислав Алексеевич; Misenko Stanislav Alekseevic
2024HD-map texturingМотыка Артем Игоревич; Motyka Artem Igorevic
2024On approximation by piecewise constant finite functions and their generalisationsБитепаж Всеволод Олегович; Bitepaz Vsevolod Olegovic
2024Sparse linear algebra operation library using Brahma.FSharpГарбар Кирилл Анатольевич; Garbar Kirill Anatolevic
2024Implementation of intrinsic functions for RISC-V processor architecture in OpenJDKБочкарев Арсений Петрович; Bockarev Arsenij Petrovic
2024Modernising a monitoring system for Yandex Taxi data management platformФадеев Захар Сергеевич; Fadeev Zahar Sergeevic
2024Interaction of rarefied gas with structurally surfaceСвинороева Мария Михайловна; Svinoroeva Maria Mihajlovna
2024Development of а tool for graphical configuration of 4G network equipmentНикитина Анастасия Максимовна; Nikitina Anastasia Maksimovna
2024Representability of generalised regular languages by stochastic Petri netsПинаева Юлия Олеговна; Pinaeva Ulia Olegovna
2024Development of a prototype system for determining a trend in a time seriesНафикова Лиана Ирековна; Nafikova Liana Irekovna
2024Large-scale visual localisation and mapping from aerial imagesМоскаленко Иван Николаевич; Moskalenko Ivan Nikolaevic
2024Saving and Restoring a Portable JVM Image for OpenJDK CRaCПушкин Тимофей Дмитриевич; Puskin Timofej Dmitrievic
2024Optimisation of the context-free language reachability matrix-based algorithmМуравьев Илья Владимирович; Muravev Ila Vladimirovic
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 443