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Результаты 6126 по 6145 из 44709 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Determinants of Customer Satisfaction on Chinese and Russian M-Commerce MarketsШарко Ольга Игоревна; Sharko Olga
2016Determinants of diffusion and performance of the Internet of things in event industryКлимов Александр Олегович; Klimov Alexander
2013Determinants of Dividend Payout of Russian Nonfinancial Public Companies: an Empirical Study and International ComparisonAntonov, Artem V.; Антонов, А. В.
2018Determinants of Earnouts in M&A Deals in the UKКадыков Никита Петрович; Kadykov Nikita
2021Determinants of Employee Turnover and Retention Practices: the case of GhanaКуансах Эвураджоа Манса; Kuansah Evuradzoa Mansa
2020Determinants of Female Entrepreneurial Intentions in RussiaХрюков Вадим Павлович; Hrukov Vadim Pavlovic
2018Determinants of Female Entrepreneurship: Evidence From GEM DataХлибык Алина Алексеевна; Khlibyk Alina
2011Determinants of firms collusive behavior: The empirical evidence from international cartels in the European UnionFedorova, Evgeniya; Фёдорова, Е.
2020Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment From Emerging Economies to Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of GhanaАмеяо Абдул-Кадир; Ameao AbdulKadir
2018Determinants of Improvement-Driven Opportunity Entrepreneurship: Cross-Regional AnalysisМедведева Елизавета Андреевна; Medvedeva Elizaveta
2023Determinants of Indian Migrants’ Success abroad and its Implication for the Home Country ContextКумар Сачин; Kumar Sacin
2016Determinants of innovation performance in Russian companiesУверский Артемий Алексеевич; Uverskii Artemii
2021Determinants of Intention to Use Small-Scale Green Electricity: Empirical Analysis among Russian Residential ConsumersДерипаско Ксения Дмитриевна; Deripasko Ksenia Dmitrievna
2014Determinants of Internet banking adoptionDosmaganbetov, Ablay
2015Determinants of joint supplier-retailer project performance in category management fieldRucheva, A.
2016Determinants of M&A premiumФахрутдинов Руслан Муратович; Fakhrutdinov Ruslan
2020Determinants of merger and acquisition premiums in emerging marketsАшихина Марина Павловна; Asihina Marina Pavlovna
2023Determinants of Migrant Entrepreneurship: the Case of Russophone Migrant Entrepreneurs in CanadaХамидуллина Анна Игоревна; Hamidullina Anna Igorevna
2017Determinants of Online Word-of-Mouth: Evidence from Durable Goods MarketSharapudinov, S.; Zezerova, V.; Storchevoy, M.
дек-2017Determinants of Online Word-of-Mouth: Evidence from Durable Goods MarketSharapudinov, Shamil Sh.; Zezerova, Viktoriia V.; Storchevoy, Maxim A.