Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Tarnaeva Larisa Petrovna

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Результаты 1 по 15 из 15
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Distinctive feaatures of the vocabulary of the English-language ecological discourse (a case study of electronic mass media)Чжан Чжэньтэн; Czan Czenten
2021Functions of metaphors in the English language political discourseДай Чан; Daj Can
2024Lexical and semantic features of the English advertising discourse in the sphere of tourismФан Мяомяо; Fan Maomao
2023Lexico-semantic features of the English media environmental discourseФан Босюань; Fan Bosuan
2023Lexico-semantic field "nature" in the English ecological discourseЛи Хань; Li Han
2023The lexico-thematic group "power" in the English political discourseГу Биньван; Gu Binvan
2022Metaphor in the English-language advertising discourseХу Сун; Hu Sun
2022Metaphoric models of term-formation in the English-language business discourseУ Цзяюэ; U Czaue
2021Resources of virtual learning environment in teaching English professionally-oriented discourse for IT specialistsБалышев Павел Александрович; Balysev Pavel Aleksandrovic
2024Teaching linguistic students argumentative strategies for electronic media discourseМамлеев Ильдар Ренатович; Mamleev Ildar Renatovic
2023Teaching linguists translating creolized texts of children literature for primary school ageПерова Елена Сергеевна; Perova Elena Sergeevna
2023Teaching linguists translating idiomatic speech units in legal discourseГаврилова Светлана Вячеславовна; Gavrilova Svetlana Vaceslavovna
2021Teaching of students specializing in linguistics to translate culture-oriented vocabulary of the Colombian national variant of the Spanish language.Никульникова Надежда Юрьевна; Nikulnikova Nadezda Urevna
2022Teaching students of linguistics specialization to interpret tourist advertising texts from Spanish to Russian (a case study of the Castilian dialect)Попкова Анастасия Евгеньевна; Popkova Anastasia Evgenevna
2021Teaching the languages ​​of indigenous peoples in secondary schools of Russia (on the example of the elective «Language and culture of the Sami of Russia»)Кузьмук Анна Сергеевна; Kuzmuk Anna Sergeevna