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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020The administrative reform in the Republic of Korea: a sociological analysisЮн Хесоп; Un Hesop
2019Administrative reforms in Argentina and Russia: A comparative analysisМорайта Исабель Антониета; Morajta Isabel Antonieta
2021Business etiquette in Chinese companies: traditions and modern practiceЮй Чэньгэ; Uj Cenge
2019Civil service reform in the Russian Federation: Sociological analysisБагрушина Ирина Сергеевна; Bagrusina Irina Sergeevna
2023Digitalisation of schools in Russia: A sociological approachСоколов Вячеслав Дмитриевич; Sokolov Vaceslav Dmitrievic
2020The etiquette of management in Chinese organisations: traditions and practiceЮй Синь; Uj Sin
2021Features of personnel management in network corporations: a study of the hotel business in ChinaХуянь Шоуцюань; Huan Soucuan
2019Formation of a healthy lifestyle as an issue for managers in contemporary RussiaКабанова Софья Ильинична; Kabanova Sofa Ilinicna
2021Innovations in human resource management in China under the influence of the digital economyЧжан Чжици; Czan Czici
2021Institutionalization of adult education in China: government regulation and contemporary issuesХэ Юнчэн; He Uncen
2022Labor motivation of employees of a commercial organisation: a case study of an investment companyБабкина Елена Сергеевна; Babkina Elena Sergeevna
2022Managing organisational conflicts in an investment companyКарбушева Ксения Александровна; Karbuseva Ksenia Aleksandrovna
2020Motivation of young professionals in the system of public serviceБрижак Юлия Олеговна; Brizak Ulia Olegovna
2019Personnel management in innovative firms in China: A study of logistics companiesЧжан Хуннуань; Czan Hunnuan
2021Practices of promoting the company's image in social networks: a sociological analysisБелова Екатерина Витальевна; Belova Ekaterina Vitalevna
2021The PRC’s concept "One Belt, One Road": a sociological analysis of its goals and challengesМа Сяо; Ma Sao
2020Public control over business in ChinaЦинь Хаожань; Cin Haozan
2019The role of trust in the Small Business-Consultancy Relationship: The case of St.PetersburgДорофеев Денис Николаевич; Dorofeev Denis Nikolaevic
2023Sociology of the digital society: framing the approach in China and RussiaХуан Хайпэн; Huan Hajpen
2023Theory and practice of human resource management: a comparative analysis of Russia and ChinaЧжан Чжици; Czan Czici