Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Laskovaa Anastasia Kirillovna

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Результаты 1 по 15 из 15
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Adapting to Fintech Disruption: Comparative Case Study of Banking Strategies from Developed and Emerging CountriesБайрамов Азер Шакирович; Bajramov Azer Sakirovic
2023Business Model Innovation as a Strategic Response to the Global Crisis: Case of Russia-Based International Transportation SMEПавлова Алиса Сергеевна; Pavlova Alisa Sergeevna
2022The Crisis Effects on Costs of Doing Business of Foreign Subsidiaries in RussiaСорокина Екатерина Евгеньевна; Sorokina Ekaterina Evgenevna
2023Development of Internationalization Strategy for a Sound Amplifies Production CompanyЛягощин Вадим Александрович; Lagosin Vadim Aleksandrovic
2021Evaluation of reactiveness of regulative institutions on technologically innovative productsОвсянникова Мария Владимировна; Ovsannikova Maria Vladimirovna
2023The Expansion Strategy of FROMM Company on the Russian Market of Home FragrancesКотова Дарья Алексеевна; Kotova Dara Alekseevna
2023Expatriate Employees Retention Strategies in Emirates AirlineКоновалов Егор Владимирович; Konovalov Egor Vladimirovic
2021Factors influencing high-growth aspirations of entrepreneurs: evidence from GEM dataМарасанова Полина Александровна; Marasanova Polina Aleksandrovna
2021Foreign market entry strategy for the Russian retailer "Magnit"Карловский Алексей Анатольевич; Karlovskij Aleksej Anatolevic
2020Foreign market entry strategy of shishki.collectiveДовгая Юлия Викторовна; Dovgaa Ulia Viktorovna
2023The Influence of Entrepreneur's Subjective Perceptions on Entrepreneurial Exit Decision: A GEM Data Based StudyДебердеева Анастасия Максимовна; Deberdeeva Anastasia Maksimovna
2021Market choice for foreign market entry for an innovative start-up Volts Battery Ltd.Юрченко Святослав Николаевич; Urcenko Svatoslav Nikolaevic
2023Mergers and Acquisitions Deals Effectiveness: Evidence from Oil and Gas IndustryАгаев Мирсалех Гидаят оглы; Agaev Mirsaleh Gidaat ogly
2020Scandinavian market entry strategy for GREAT advertising groupЖаркова Мария Сергеевна; Zarkova Maria Sergeevna
2022Strategic Response to the Challenges of the Pandemic Crisis: the Case of the Textile Industry Luxury SegmentГригорьева Юлия Александровна; Grigoreva Ulia Aleksandrovna