Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Gorn Evgenia Aleksandrovna

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Результаты 1 по 18 из 18
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Allusion as creative means for a linguistic and cultural background: A case study of translations from English into Russian and UkrainianАзаматова Анна Рашидовна; Azamatova Anna Rasidovna
2023Discursive features and peculiarities of translation of prepositive and postpositive attributive phrases in the English-language mediaЕрёмина Надежда Юрьевна; Eremina Nadezda Urevna
2023Language means for the creation of stereotypes about the representatives of creative professionsБурховецкая Ольга Валериевна; Burhoveckaa Olga Valerievna
2022Lexical and grammatical features in translation of European Court of Human Rights judgments: A case study of English-Russian translationsБалагура Арсений; Balagura Arsenij
2022Lexical and grammatical means of conveying temporal relations in various registers (in English to Russian translations)Те Максим Викторович; Te Maksim Viktorovic
2021Lexical-syntactic and stylistic means of conveying the heroic worldview in the text of the "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" and ways of translating them into RussianЯковлева Мария Станиславовна; Akovleva Maria Stanislavovna
2022Pragmatic characteristics of structure and English - Russian translation of interviews in fashion-industryПетренко Анастасия Олеговна; Petrenko Anastasia Olegovna
2021Principles for translating the speech of representatives of professional communities in detective novels by J.K.Rowling (R.Galbraith)Ермолин Василий Васильевич; Ermolin Vasilij Vasilevic
2024Problems of translating English popular science texts into Russian: lexical and stylistic aspectНазарова Айсель Мирсуджаддиновна; Nazarova Ajsel Mirsudzaddinovna
2024Realization of the agitation strategy in oral political discourse: translation aspectЧуракина Диана Дмитриевна; Curakina Diana Dmitrievna
2024Transfer of American linguistic and cultural features in audiovisual translation (based on American cartoons)Белова Татьяна Владимировна; Belova Tatana Vladimirovna
2022Translating medical terms in a literary text: A case study of contemporary writers’ worksКапканец Алиса Евгеньевна; Kapkanec Alisa Evgenevna
2023Translation of modern children literature: A case study of Dr. Seuss’s worksМуфтахова Зарема Ильдаровна; Muftahova Zarema Ildarovna
2021Translation of terms of English contract law into RussianФаттахова Камила Азатовна; Fattahova Kamila Azatovna
2023Translation strategies in songs of Disney animated filmsАрапова Нуриза Таалайбековна; Arapova Nuriza Taalajbekovna
2023Translation techniques for rendering culture-specific lexis in English translations of Mikhail Bulgakov’s "Master and Margarita"Свистельникова Ольга Валерьевна; Svistelnikova Olga Valerevna
2024Youth jargon of celebrities as a translation problem (based on English interviews)Буглимова Арина Сергеевна; Buglimova Arina Sergeevna
2023Youth slang translation in dubbing British TV series into RussianКувалдина Екатерина Алексеевна; Kuvaldina Ekaterina Alekseevna