Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Березинец Ирина Владимировна

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Agency conflicts and company performance: analysis of relationshipГормина Людмила Андреевна; Gormina Liudmila
2020Analysis of returns on investments in equity crowdfundingКляровская Надежда Андреевна; Klarovskaa Nadezda Andreevna
2017Analysis of the market response to the phenomenon of a busy CEOКороткова Екатерина Владимировна; Korotkova Ekaterina
2016Analysis of the relation between private equity investment tenure and performance of European companiesБуров Александр Николаевич; Burov Aleksandr
2016Bank holding companies' information disclosure and default probability: Empirical studyГаниева Рита Ирековна; Ganieva Rita
2016Board of directors as a factor of financial effectiveness in innovation-driven companiesБерёзкин Кирилл Вадимович; Berezkin Kirill
2018Board of Directors' Intellectual Capital as Driver of Firm Performance in Innovative CompaniesБерёзкин Кирилл Вадимович; Berezkin Kirill
2018Board of Directors’ Social Capital and Performance of the Company: Analysis of the RelationshipЛогинова Анастасия Сергеевна; Loginova Anastasia
2018CEO Characteristics, Strategic Change and Company Financial PerformanceМещанова Юлия Сергеевна; Meshchanova Yulia
2021Construction of an investment portfolio with minimal riskЛущев Арсений Сергеевич; Lusev Arsenij Sergeevic
2017Corporate governance and risk takingБеликова Патрисия Робертовна; Belikova Patrisiya
2017Corporate Governance Practices, CEO Characteristics and Firm Performance of Russian Public CompaniesПодхомутова Марина Олеговна; Podkhomutova Marina
2020Correlation between buyback and company performanceКравченко Дарья Дмитриевна; Kravcenko Dara Dmitrievna
2021Crowdinvesting: a study of investor preferencesЗаименко Сергей Сергеевич; Zaimenko Sergej Sergeevic
2016Determinants of innovation performance in Russian companiesУверский Артемий Алексеевич; Uverskii Artemii
2016Determinants of M&A premiumФахрутдинов Руслан Муратович; Fakhrutdinov Ruslan
2016Director busyness as a determinant of company performanceГардашова Эльмира Абдусаламовна; Gardashova Elmira
2016Disclosure practices and riskiness of financial institutionЗарипов Айдар Ирекович; Zaripov Aidar
2020Economic capital evaluation for the coverage of credit risk at a commercial bankБоранбаева Сандугаш Муратбековна; Boranbaeva Sandugas Muratbekovna
2017Executive Compensation and Company PerformanceБурдейный Роман; Burdeinii Roman