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Результаты 4706 по 4725 из 42642 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Corporate culture and methods of its development at the present stageХан Самина Навид; Khan Samina
2016Corporate culture as a factor in the development of life strategies for young people: The case of the W St. Petersburg hotelЛабецкая Екатерина Владимировна; Labetckaia Ekaterina
2021Corporate culture as a tool for effective organisation managementСан Сумей; San Sumej
2019Corporate culture development in commercial organisationsЛю Даньян; Lu Danan
2016Corporate culture in activities of a tourism enterprise: Experience of Russia and foreign countriesШемякина Марина Сергеевна; Shemiakina Marina
2016Corporate culture in conflict management. Case study of international businessЛысенко Илья Сергеевич; Lysenko Ilia
2018Corporate culture in former Soviet Union: The comparative analysisСавин Павел Стефанович; Savin Pavel
2023Corporate culture of the company in the labor values structureБелая Анна Сергеевна; Belaa Anna Sergeevna
2022Corporate E-learning: Developing a Disclosure to Improve the Program "Management Essentials: Practical School of Management"Тристень Кирилл Дмитриевич; Tristen Kirill Dmitrievic
2022Corporate Governance and M&A PerformanceКаримов Ренат Илнурович; Karimov Renat Ilnurovic
2017Corporate governance and risk takingБеликова Патрисия Робертовна; Belikova Patrisiya
мар-2016Corporate Governance in the Company: Striving for Excellence or Finding Yourself? A Review of Verbitsky V. K. From an Ideal to Reality. What Companies Really Need from Corporate Governance Best Practices. Moscow, 2015Smirnov, Marat V.
2023Corporate Governance Mechanisms as a Tool for Earnings Management Mitigation in Russian Public CompaniesЕрмолов Егор Александрович; Ermolov Egor Aleksandrovic
2017Corporate Governance Practices, CEO Characteristics and Firm Performance of Russian Public CompaniesПодхомутова Марина Олеговна; Podkhomutova Marina
2014Corporate Governance Rating and Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from Canadian CompaniesMeshkova, Maria S.
2022Corporate governance with the participation of employees in Chinese companiesЧжао Шуцзюэ; Czao Suczue
2016Corporate governance, ownership structure and dividend policy of Russian dual-class stock companiesШорохова Екатерина Сергеевна; Shorokhova Ekaterina
2016Corporate identica of construction companies: A case study of the "Peterburgskie Prostory" companyИванова Катерина Александровна; Ivanova Katerina
2020Corporate income tax impact on foreign direct investment stimulation in ChinaЧэнь Яньбай; Cen Anbaj
2013Corporate Memory Loss Evaluation in ICT Companies: International and Russian ExperienceSolntseva, Daria S.; Солнцева, Д. С.