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Результаты 1 по 20 из 64  дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Abnormal return factors of russian companies’ stocks under dividend announcementsСмирнов Роман Андреевич; Smirnov Roman
2021Analysis of financial prerequisites for going-private deals of public U.S. companiesГанюшин Семен Михайлович; Ganusin Semen Mihajlovic
2022The Analysis of Russian Companies IPOs: 2005-2021Беляев Дмитрий Андреевич; Belaev Dmitrij Andreevic
2020The Announcement Effect of U.S. Bank Mergers: An Empirical Analysis of Impacting FactorsСопов Дмитрий Эдуардович; Sopov Dmitrij Eduardovic
2023Assessment of the Dependence of the Company's Value on the Share Interest of InsidersПоздняков Денис Владимирович; Pozdnakov Denis Vladimirovic
2023Board of Directors and Corporate Performance: a Study of Chinese CompaniesЛопатин-Ланской Максим Сергеевич; LopatinLanskoj Maksim Sergeevic
2024Board of Directors Social Capital: the Connection with Government and Performance on Indian Public CompaniesОбодов Алексей Дмитриевич; Obodov Aleksej Dmitrievic
2024Board of Directors Structure and Financial Performance: A Study of Medium and Small Capitalization CompaniesПозигун Андрей Сергеевич; Pozigun Andrej Sergeevic
2020Boards of directors and financial performance of companiesЕсина Валерия Андреевна; Esina Valeria Andreevna
2022CEO Characteristics and Firm Performance: Evidence from RussiaПропорциональная Елизавета Андреевна; Proporcionalnaa Elizaveta Andreevna
2022Characteristics of Issuing Companies and Investment Attractiveness on Crowdfunding PlatformsАлиханова Мадина Халидовна; Alihanova Madina Halidovna
2020Correlation between buyback and company performanceКравченко Дарья Дмитриевна; Kravcenko Dara Dmitrievna
2017The correlation between non-interest income and profitability of Russian banksЮрченко Юлия Константиновна; Yurchenko Yulia
2017The correlation between sources of finance and survival of startupsБалиханова Людмила Эмировна; Balikhanova Liudmila
2023Credit Ratings and ESG Ratings of Russian Public Companies: Analysis of InterrelationshipВасечкина Юстина Анатольевна; Vaseckina Ustina Anatolevna
2018Delisting as a Tool for Shareholders' Wealth ManagementСветловская Дарья Викторовна; Svetlovskaia Daria
2020Determinants of merger and acquisition premiums in emerging marketsАшихина Марина Павловна; Asihina Marina Pavlovna
2021Determinants of capital structure of  Russian companies before and after the imposition of sanctionsСиваш Елизавета Алексеевна; Sivas Elizaveta Alekseevna
2020Drivers of Post-IPO Performance of Tech CompaniesГрязнов Кирилл Олегович; Graznov Kirill Olegovic
2023Earnings Management, Corporate Governance and Financial Stability: Analysis of Relationship in Russian Public CompaniesЛагунова Алина Олеговна; Lagunova Alina Olegovna