Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Куралева Татьяна Владимировна

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Результаты 1 по 20 из 20
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Cartoon adaptations as an example of intersemiotic translation: A case study of Soviet animated films based on Dr. Seuss’s poemsАмвросова Светлана Игоревна; Amvrosova Svetlana Igorevna
2016Continuative clauses in modern English as a translation problemНовикова Валерия Константиновна; Novikova Valeriia
2023Ethnic stereotypes about the Irish in the British culture: Content and language representationАрефьева Яна Валерьевна; Arefeva Ana Valerevna
2018Grammatical stylistic devices of English film trailers in terms of translationБарсукова Екатерина; BARSUKOVA JEKATERINA
2016Interrogative utterances in the aspect of translation studies as illustrated by works of American and British authors translated into RussianАлимджанов Абдуазиз Абдихакимович; Alimdjanov Abduaziz
2022Lexical and grammatical features in translation of European Court of Human Rights judgments: A case study of English-Russian translationsБалагура Арсений; Balagura Arsenij
2024Lexical and grammatical features of translating science fiction works from English into Russian and TurkishЕлкенджи Бахар; Elkendzi Bahar
2022Lexical and grammatical means of conveying temporal relations in various registers (in English to Russian translations)Те Максим Викторович; Te Maksim Viktorovic
2018Lexical and grammatical transformations in the translation of newspaper economic texts: A case study of English-Russian translationsБелая Анастасия Михайловна; Belaia Anastasiia
2018Linguistic characteristics of American political advertisingКукина Дарья Андреевна; Kukina Daria
2018Linguistic features of English and Russian political advertising: A comparative aspectМорозова Руфина Анатольевна; Morozova Rufina
2023Onomastic space in the translation of children literature: A case study J. K. Rowling’s worksАмвросова Светлана Игоревна; Amvrosova Svetlana Igorevna
2024Problems of translating English popular science texts into Russian: lexical and stylistic aspectНазарова Айсель Мирсуджаддиновна; Nazarova Ajsel Mirsudzaddinovna
2017Realisation of the negation category in English to Russian translationШепелюк Александра Анатольевна; Shepeliuk Aleksandra
2017Self-reflection in the English poetryХоджакулыева Насиба; Hojakulyyeva Nasiba
2017Sentence negation from a translation perspective (in English-to-Russian translations)Торопова Анастасия Андреевна; Toropova Anastasiia
2017The translation aspect of the linguistic interpretation of the persuasiveness category in the English legal discourseХацко Екатерина Денисовна; Khatcko Ekaterina
2021Translation equivalents in English and Russian labour lawЛобанов Филипп Дмитриевич; Lobanov Filipp Dmitrievic
2023Translation variability in audiovisual translation: A case study of translation of the animated television series "Arcane"Сизова Екатерина Васильевна; Sizova Ekaterina Vasilevna
2021Variability of syntactic connection in a complex sentence when translated from English into RussianРычагова Мария Александровна; Rycagova Maria Aleksandrovna