Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Кудря Светлана Владимировна

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Результаты 1 по 15 из 15
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Clinical complaint as a discursive genre in the English linguistic cultureВолчкова Кристина Сергеевна; Volckova Kristina Sergeevna
2023Communicative strategies of response to a clinical complaint in the English-speaking communitiesКривошеева Полина Вячеславовна; Krivoseeva Polina Vaceslavovna
2021Describing problem situations associated with impaired motor functions: A case study of the English languageКозырев Матвей Михайлович; Kozyrev Matvej Mihajlovic
2023English discourse of video games: A case study of chats and forumsМельников Роман Александрович; Melnikov Roman Aleksandrovic
2017The evaluative nature of colour names: A semantic analysis of the adjective 'green'Чичиндаева Елизавета Сергеевна; Chichindaeva Elizaveta
2023Genre and stylistic features of English and Russian theatre reviewsИлларионова Полина Игоревна; Illarionova Polina Igorevna
2023Language for expressing communicative comfort in the English pedagogical discourseКунстман Вероника Ивановна; Kunstman Veronika Ivanovna
2024Language of social status and role as a translation problem (based on literary translation from Russian into English)Шевченко Евгения Николаевна; Sevcenko Evgenia Nikolaevna
2022Lexical and stylistic means of creating a comic effect: Translation perspective (a case study of US TV series)Смольянова Илиана Александровна; Smolanova Iliana Aleksandrovna
2024Lexical and stylistic peculiarities and audiovisual translation of superhero films (based on Marvel media franchise)Шагурова Софья Максимовна; Sagurova Sofa Maksimovna
2017Lexical characteristics of the English discourse of survey research questionnairesГермаш Ксения Викторовна; Germash Ksenia
2017The semantic structure of the adjective 'happy' and its derivatives in texts of different typesБутакова Анна Михайловна; Butakova Anna
2021Semantic structure of the noun “Distress” and its derivatives in various text typesВоронкова Анжелика Владимировна; Voronkova Anzelika Vladimirovna
2018Sociolinguistic features of African American English in Kathryn Stockett's "The Help"Виноградова Анна Сергеевна; Vinogradova Anna
2021Variability of syntactic connection in a complex sentence when translated from English into RussianРычагова Мария Александровна; Rycagova Maria Aleksandrovna