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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 1605
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024"Homilies on the Hexaemeron" by Basil the Great: the experience of philological analysisДыбова Таисия Андреевна; Dybova Taisia Andreevna
2024Linguistic means of creating a perceptual picture of the world in Gogol's story "The Nose" (linguocultural aspect)Чжан Юйхань; Czan Ujhan
2024Stylistic features of Russian and Chinese advertising texts on tourismЯо Минчжу; Ao Minczu
2024Development of grammatical skills in English writing of Chinese students using mobile applicationsЧжан Хунжуй; Czan Hunzuj
2024Methods of creating language games in Russian children’s poetryЦи Цзишу; Ci Czisu
2024Lexical and grammatical features of translating science fiction works from English into Russian and TurkishЕлкенджи Бахар; Elkendzi Bahar
2024Recognition by Chinese people and their training in the implementation of high-frequency lexicon (in various idioms of the modern Russian language)Ню Янань; Nu Anan
2024National Semantic Pecularities of the Russian and Chinese Idioms Descaribing the Image of the WomenСунь Чжилань; Sun Czilan
2024Comparative analysis of A.P. Chekhov's works translations from Russian into English and GreekДеменега Афина; Demenega Afina
2024Magical realism in modern Russian prose (story "Parasites")Ильмекова Зумрад; Ilmekova Zumrad
2024Complex adjectives in the poetry of V.V. Mayakovsky: functional-semantic aspect (against the background of the Uzbek language)Бакаева Асала Замоновна; Bakaeva Asala Zamonovna
2024Noblewomen's images in Russian literature of 19th centuryТун Цзинтао; Tun Czintao
2024Personal and collective memory in the novel "Moon Tiger" by Penelope LivelyГабдуллова Мадина Маратовна; Gabdullova Madina Maratovna
2024N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" in China: problems of research and receptionЛи Лань; Li Lan
2024Emotional verbs of the Russian language as an element of the Russian linguistic picture of the world (in comparison with Chinese)Ню Цян; Nu Can
2024Shakespeare's Hamlet and Guan Hanqing's Resentment of Dou E in a comparative perspectiveХао Сяоюй; Hao Saouj
2024Jury trial in the creative consciousness of F.M. Dostoevsky (journalism and the novel "Demons")Моцко Игор; Mocko Igor
2024Russian phraseological units nominating positively assessed human qualities: linguocultural aspect (against the background of the Chinese language)У Цзини; U Czini
2024Immersion in the environment of the target language as the basis for the success of its learning by students from the PRCЛо Хайлань; Lo Hajlan
2024Functional and semantic analysis of the implementation of speech genres in the speech of a letsplayerНиконов Сергей Алексеевич; Nikonov Sergej Alekseevic
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 1605