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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 1605
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Language of social status and role as a translation problem (based on literary translation from Russian into English)Шевченко Евгения Николаевна; Sevcenko Evgenia Nikolaevna
2024Language representation of criticism in the novel "The Great Gatsby" by F.S. FitzgeraldБычкова Анастасия Александровна; Byckova Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2024Kalendergeschichte as a type of text (based on J.P. Hebel)Жадан Елизавета Дмитриевна; Zadan Elizaveta Dmitrievna
2024Lexical means of expressing emotivity in works of fiction and their translationsТрушель Елизавета Константиновна; Trusel Elizaveta Konstantinovna
2024Genre nature of Epiphany Solovetsky's hagiographyНиконов Николай Андреевич; Nikonov Nikolaj Andreevic
2024Formation and development of the diaspora of the Azov Greeks. Ethnocultural traditions and linguistic diversityГетманский Сергей Васильевич; Getmanskij Sergej Vasilevic
2024Lexical units to express the semantic categories "progress"/"regress" in English and Russian original and translated news texts about university rankingsЗавало Дарья Александровна; Zavalo Dara Aleksandrovna
2024Dominant techniques of paragraphemics in Oleg Ermakov’s short proseПанурова Дарья Евгеньевна; Panurova Dara Evgenevna
2024Formation of collocation competence in creative writing in English among high school studentsДудина Анастасия Яковлевна; Dudina Anastasia Akovlevna
2024The use of mobile applications as a means of teaching basic pedagogical communication in ChineseПопелова Алина Олеговна; Popelova Alina Olegovna
2024Features of code switching and code mixing in the Dutch-French pair in the situation of bilingualism in BelgiumГусев Олег Николаевич; Gusev Oleg Nikolaevic
2024Russian common similes with demonological component that characterize the person's appearance (the linguocultural aspect)Каширина Анна Борисовна; Kasirina Anna Borisovna
2024Compound words in Modern Greek dialectsСафиуллина Яна Ринатовна; Safiullina Ana Rinatovna
2024Translation of nonce words in science fiction and fantasy genres in the comparative aspect (based on modern English novels)Тимошина Анастасия Алексеевна; Timosina Anastasia Alekseevna
2024Figures of speech in economic discourse in the aspect of simultaneous interpreting (based on analysis of SPIEF texts)Безсмертная Елизавета Егоровна; Bezsmertnaa Elizaveta Egorovna
2024Ethnographic vocabulary in descriptions of the material and spiritual culture of the ShorsКошечкина Надежда Алексеевна; Koseckina Nadezda Alekseevna
2024Memorial Sites in Discursive Regional Studies Teaching (GFL)Черненко Мария Андреевна; Cernenko Maria Andreevna
2024The problem of pragmatic adaptation in audiovisual translation of a gangster film into Russian (on the material of а British crime TV series "Peaky Blinders")Саламова Наиля Натиговна; Salamova Naila Natigovna
2024Category of case in Russian language of the 21st century: functional-semantic aspectСагидуллина Юлия Рустамовна; Sagidullina Ulia Rustamovna
2024Features of a parable and an anecdote in V.O. Pelevin's early proseСередкина Юлия Евгеньевна; Seredkina Ulia Evgenevna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 1605