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Результаты 2851-2860 из 2964.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024The study of the features of additional training of large language modelsПрибытков Данил Александрович; Pribytkov Danil Aleksandrovic
2024Word-formation and lexical means of language game in children's poetry by Mikhail YasnovГайда Анна; Gajda Anna
2024Word criticism in the modern German media discourseСедова Елизавета Александровна; Sedova Elizaveta Aleksandrovna
2024The emotivity of landscape descriptions in the English-language fiction discourseПриймак Виталия Витальевна; Prijmak Vitalia Vitalevna
2024Verbs of feelings and emotions in the Russian language on the background of the Thai language: functional and semantic aspectВаттанасири Рашата; Vattanasiri Rasata
2024Using Latin American legends to improve speaking skills when teaching Spanish in language coursesДиас Сеспедес Шарон Николь; Dias Sespedes Saron Nikol
2024The use of emotional language in Anglophone customer reviews on beauty and health productСачовская Ева Ревазовна; Sacovskaa Eva Revazovna
2024Translation of language game in fiction texts (based on the English prose of the XX century)Дюгаева Ирина Дмитриевна; Dugaeva Irina Dmitrievna
2024Verbs of statics and dynamics in modern Russian: functional-semantic aspect (against the background of Arabic)Крапивка Анастасия Дмитриевна; Krapivka Anastasia Dmitrievna
2024Representations of the ethno-gender group ABORIGINAL WOMEN in Australian media discourseАксенова Диана Александровна; Aksenova Diana Aleksandrovna