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Результаты 41-50 из 56.
Найденные ресурсы:
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2019Acute symptomatic seizures at the onset of ischemic stroke: сlinical and pathogenetic aspectsКоряковский Василий Игоревич; Korakovskij Vasilij Igorevic
2019Approaches to the prevention of cervical cancer in HIV-infected women based on the data of Clinical infectious diseases hospital n.a. S.P. BotkinЗахарова Ксения Алексеевна; Zaharova Ksenia Alekseevna
2019Clinical and experimental rationale for the use of digital linear tomography in multidisciplinary hospitalsБорискина Алена Николаевна; Boriskina Alena Nikolaevna
2019Comparative analysis of patients with different forms of non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseОконечникова Дарья Викторовна; Okonecnikova Dara Viktorovna
2019Economic rationale for the first stage of Damage Control Orthopaedics tactics for the long tubular bones closed fractures with external fixation rods in polytraumaДундур Александра Петровна; Dundur Aleksandra Petrovna
2019Autoimmune thyroiditis and goutПояркова Анастасия Игоревна; Poarkova Anastasia Igorevna
2019Clinico-neurological characteristic of patients with neuroAIDS hospitalized with suspected strokeМалько Валерия Алексеевна; Malko Valeria Alekseevna
2019Analysis of antithrombotic therapy effectiveness in patients of older age groups with atrial fibrillationПосаженникова Екатерина Вадимовна; Posazennikova Ekaterina Vadimovna
2019Comparative characteristic of analogue and digital radiography for examination of thoracic organs in urgent patientsПлотникова Елена Германовна; Plotnikova Elena Germanovna
2019Features of the course of Crohn's disease depending on patient’s age at disease onsetАлексеева Анастасия Денисовна; Alekseeva Anastasia Denisovna