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Results 1-10 of 437 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Influence of type 2 diabetes on indicators of arterial elasticity in patients with essential hypertensionАтаманова Юлия Викторовна; Atamanova Iuliia
2017Psychosocial, metabolic and endorine aspects of childhood obesityАртамонова Ирина Никитична; Artamonova Irina
2017Comparative evaluation of X-Ray computed and digital linear tomography for emergency diagnosisВолошина Надежда Дмитриевна; Voloshina Nadezhda
2017Content of methods used on the third step of damage control surgery in combined injury patients with unstable pelvic fracturesСанкин Артем Витальевич; Sankin Artem
2017Clinical and organizational aspects of treating schizophrenia patients in an outpatient intensive psychiatric care departmentВоробьёв Юрий Игоревич; Vorobev Iurii
2017Total body water content in patients with coronary syndromeАлакаев Залихан Заурович; Alakaev Zalikhan
2017Evaluation of effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy in outpatient clinicsСавельев Дмитрий Юрьевич; Savelyev Dmitrii
2017Surgical management of brain metastasesКутуев Ренат Камильевич; Kutuev Renat
reviewSV_Otzyv.jpg.jpg2017Evaluation of different imaging modalities for preventive chest screeningКаростик Денис Владимирович; Karostik Denis
2017Features of mental status in women with climacteric syndrome and vitamin D deficiencyДжумаева Ольга Каримовна; Dzhumaeva Olga