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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 41 по 60 из 605
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Financial Performance of Russian CompaniesЕфременкова Маргарита Александровна; Efremenkova Margarita Aleksandrovna
2023Adoption of Learning Management Systems among Faculty Members in RussiaКрюков Эрик Сергеевич; Krukov Erik Sergeevic
2023Organisational and Institutional Barriers for Diffusion of Smart Grid Solutions in the Emerging EconomiesВиноградов Павел Игоревич; Vinogradov Pavel Igorevic
2023Antecedents and Outcomes of Stigmatization in the WorkplaceГолубкова Анастасия Евгеньевна; Golubkova Anastasia Evgenevna
2023Use of Blockchain Technology in Business OperationsПетухов Антон Сергеевич; Petuhov Anton Sergeevic
2023Creation of Anti-Burnout Organizational Climate in Russian EnterprisesИванов Александр Андреевич; Ivanov Aleksandr Andreevic
2023Market and Non-Market Strategies for Partner Risks Mitigation: The Case of Russian Oil and Gas Companies Expansion towards ChinaНикулина Мария Сергеевна; Nikulina Maria Sergeevna
2023The Relationship of Entrepreneurial Skills and Motivation to Subsequent Venture Growth Aspirations: Evidence from GEM DataМихеева Евгения Игоревна; Miheeva Evgenia Igorevna
2023Personalization as Phenomenon in Online Retail Context: Consumer Characteristics Affecting Intention to Use Personalized OffersЯтин Никита Сергеевич; Atin Nikita Sergeevic
2023Network Effects and Financial Performance of Marketplaces: Empirical StudyМедведев Александр Васильевич; Medvedev Aleksandr Vasilevic
2023Sales Performance Improvement of Velodrive Company Using Geoanalytical MethodsПендряк Ирина Анатольевна; Pendrak Irina Anatolevna
2023Agile Marketing as a Factor of Firm Performance: Empirical Study of Russian CompaniesПраслова Анастасия Александровна; Praslova Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2023The Features of Brand Loyalty Formation among Sport Fans: Case of Russian Football ClubsЗахарчук Алексей Евгеньевич; Zaharcuk Aleksej Evgenevic
2023The Impact of Soft HR Practices on Employee Performance and Employee Well-Being in Crisis TimesВасильева Диана Валерьевна; Vasileva Diana Valerevna
2023Fuel Delivery Network Optimisation for Gazprom Neft CompanyСиваш Елизавета Алексеевна; Sivas Elizaveta Alekseevna
2023Analysis of Non-Academic Aspects Influencing Student SatisfactionГолубева Полина Андреевна; Golubeva Polina Andreevna
2023Determinants of Migrant Entrepreneurship: the Case of Russophone Migrant Entrepreneurs in CanadaХамидуллина Анна Игоревна; Hamidullina Anna Igorevna
2023Assessing the Consumer Attitudes towards Inclusiveness in Makeup Products in RussiaГришанина Полина Дмитриевна; Grisanina Polina Dmitrievna
2023Inter-Industry Rivalry and Competitiveness on the Labor Market: Increasing an Intention to Apply for a Job by Enhancing an External Employer Attractiveness. A Mediating role of Career IdentityВалеева Римма Робертовна; Valeeva Rimma Robertovna
2023Analysis of Social Media Data to Optimize the Marketing Strategy of GSOM Higher Education ProgramsДорошкова Дарья Александровна; Doroskova Dara Aleksandrovna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 41 по 60 из 605