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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 297
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018The image of the Chinese company ALIBABA in the Russian media environmentСюе Кан; Xue Kang
2018Popularization of the Chinese brand in the Russian media space: A case study of The HuaweiЖэнь Цзе; Ren Jie
reviewSV_soglasie.jpg.jpg2018Chinese news applications in the world new media marketЧжан Цзыянь; Zhang Ziyan
2018Ethics of business communications in Russia and China: A comparative analysisЧэнь Цюна; Chen Qiuna
2018Modern media resources in the Buddhism practice in ChinaЛу Гоцзин; Lu Guojing
2018Professional culture of journalists in Ukraine during the Ukrainian military conflictЛерх Изабель Лорейн Бейжа Флор; Lerch Isabel Lorraine Beija-Flor
2018Immersive journalism: User experience of virtual reality storytellingМаслова Полина Эдуардовна; Maslova Polina
2018Strategies of building of the image of Russia as a tourist destination for the Chinese audienceВан Ли; Wang Li
2018Social responsibility of a journalist in the Chinese societyСунь Шанцин; Sun Shangqing
2018Modern entertainment television of China and Russia: A comparative analysisВан Шуанянь; Wang Shuangyan
2018The Portrayal of Russia in US Media in the Aftermath of the 2016 Election Hacking ScandalВерлаат Майке; Verlaat Maike
2018Russia's reputation in Romanian mass media and social mediaАврам Александра; Avram Alexandra
2018The Sovetskiy Soyuz magazine in the USSR's image building process in the Kingdom of ThailandПалахан Наттаноп; Palahan Nattanop
2018Communication strategies and practices of European institutions in solving the issue of refugeesРошка Овидиу; Rosca Ovidiu
2018Promotion of Russian tourist sites in ChinaЛань Итин; Lan Yiting
2018Chinese media activities in extreme situationsГо Цэньси; Guo Cenxi
2018The role of the print media in the development of Russian-Chinese relations in the political and economic spheresЛэ Юй; Le Yu
2018Web 2.0 journalism in realisation of the dialogue between society and the government: The experience of ChinaЧэ Минцзянь; Che Mingjian
2018The concept of the New Silk Way in the world mass mediaУмайэр Алимуцзян; Wumaier Alimujiang
2018The Russian-Chinese cross-cultural communications in modern media spaceНю Мэнди; Niu Mengdi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 297