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Результаты 935 по 954 из 44728 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Otzyv-VKR-Nechiporenko-s2.jpeg.jpg2018Analysis of the cross sections in the ion fusion with heavy nuclidesНечипоренко Юрий Владимирович; Nechiporenko Iurii
2018Analysis of the differentiation of minor populations of thymocytesДавыдова Алина Алексеевна; Davydova Alina
мар-2018Analysis of the dynamics of charged particles in an ideal Penning trap with a rotating field and a buffer gasOvsyannikov, Alexander D.
2019Analysis of the early development of Dinophilus gyrociliatus (Dinophilidae: Polychaeta)Рубанова Ирина Андреевна; Rubanova Irina Andreevna
2022Analysis of the economic results of a company's digital transformationМалахов Дмитрий Романович; Malahov Dmitrij Romanovic
2023Analysis of the effect of antiorthostatic suspension (hind limb suspension) on the level of neurogenesis in the hippocampus of miceМилов Святослав Игоревич; Milov Svatoslav Igorevic
2022The Analysis of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Applying Requests for Quotations in Electronic Form in the Russian FederationНеучев Никита Александрович; Neucev Nikita Aleksandrovic
2017Analysis of the effectiveness of international programmes for women's leadershipКеллер Анна Константиновна; Keller Anna
reviewSV_Kirillova_YU_A__rec_jpg_sogl.jpg.jpg2017Analysis of the effectiveness of the Red books and Red lists (case-study, territory of Saint-Petersburg and Leningradskaya oblast)Кириллова Юлия Александровна; Kirillova Yulia
сен-2016Analysis of the Effectiveness of Transnational Mergers and Acquisitions in Emerging Capital MarketsRazmanova, Svetlana V.
2022An analysis of the efficacy of overcoming resistance to antimicrobial bacterial agents in biofilmНетеса Мария Александровна; Netesa Maria Aleksandrovna
июн-2022Analysis of the efficiency of support programs for Russian universities (2010–2020)Kovalev, Vitaly V.; Moldobaev, Temirlan S.; Molitvin, Mikhail N.; Suyazov, Vyacheslav V.
2022Analysis of the efficiency of the development of heterogeneous and flooded oil reservoirs based on the redistribution of seepage flows within the Severo-Yangtinskoye fieldЛазнам Забен Уллах Абдуллах Салех; Laznam Zaben Ullah Abdullah Saleh
2018Analysis of the efficient use of separate neuromarketing tools in the consumer marketЧернышева Полина Олеговна; Chernysheva Polina
мар-2020Analysis of the external factors influence on the forecasting of bankruptcy of Russian companiesFedorova, Elena A.; Musienko, Svetlana O.; Fedorov, Fedor Yu.
2018Analysis of the Gamification Influence on Consumer Perception of Loyalty Programs in Retail IndustryСуменков Александр Александрович; Sumenkov Aleksandr
2018Analysis of the Gaps in Consumer Perception of a Customer-Oriented Approach in the Banking IndustryОбухов Никита Сергеевич; Obukhov Nikita
2022The analysis of the impact and pollution of the mining industry on the environment: a comparison of environmental pollution in the Copperbelt province of (Zambia) with the Katanga region (DRC)Мутелемби Джон; Mutelembi Dzon
2020The analysis of the impact of changes in the forest cover of river basins on a stream runoffУкис Андрей Айварович; Ukis Andrej Ajvarovic
2023Analysis of the impact of corporate social responsibility on consumer brand evaluation in Russia and ChinaЧжао Цзе; Czao Cze