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Результаты 4197 по 4216 из 44709 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Ila1.JPG.jpg2019Computational experiment in problems of stratified fluid dynamicsЛебедев Илья Алексеевич; Lebedev Ila Alekseevic
2017Computational experiment in problems of wave dynamicsЛебедев Илья Алексеевич; Lebedev Ilia
2023Computational methods for identification of small molecules by mass spectraМилов Артем Игоревич; Milov Artem Igorevic
2022Computational methods for viral genome assembly assessmentИм Евгений Юрьевич; Im Evgenij Urevic
мар-2020Computational propaganda: Structural characteristics and vectors of researchVasilkova, Valeria V.; Trekin, Pavel A.
2020Computational screening of novel nickel complexes with chelating N,O-ligands for the design of coordination polymersАтангулов Арслан Билалович; Atangulov Arslan Bilalovic
2024Computationally efficient neural networks for semantic similarity search problemsКузнецов Иван Алексеевич; Kuznecov Ivan Alekseevic
сен-2023Computer analysis of the differential equation of the model of the synchronous electric motor that does not include electric currentsKonosevich, Boris I.; Konosevich, Yuliya B.
2020Computer appliance for copying control of robotic systemsМоисеев Олег Сергеевич; Moiseev Oleg Sergeevic
2017Computer games as a PR tool in businessПанфилов Александр Сергеевич; Panfilov Aleksandr
2016Computer games as a source of collective memoryРогожина Екатерина Павловна; Rogozhina Ekaterina
мар-2023Computer games in legal research: On the prerequisites of the regulation modelArkhipov, Vladislav V.; Vasiliev, Anton A.; Andreev, Nikolai Yu.; Pechatnova, Yulia V.
2016Computer model of Hotelling duopolyКаримов Зуфар Рафаэлевич; Karimov Zufar
2018Computer modeling of motion control processes for underwater robot-manipulatorАлександровская Людмила Игоревна; Aleksandrovskaia Liudmila
2016Computer modelling and simulation of carrier rocket dynamicsМазур Алексей Григорьевич; Mazur Aleksei
2019Computer modelling of control processes for twin-rotor nonlinear MIMO systemСерга Виктория Александровна; Serga Viktoria Aleksandrovna
2017Computer modelling of diffusion processes in applicationsКоротченко Евгений Владимирович; Korotchenko Evgeny
2016Computer modelling of hemodynamics in large blood vesselsСырбул Александра Александровна; Syrbul Alexandra
2017Computer modelling of nonlinear observers for marine dynamical positioning systemsАгафонов Юрий Олегович; Agafonov Iurii
2016Computer modelling of supply chainМынзу Лариса Игоревна; Mynzu Larisa