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Результаты 4045 по 4064 из 44696 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021A comparison of several methods for pain management after video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomyЗеленов Артем Михайлович; Zelenov Artem Mihajlovic
2022Comparison of some machine learning methods based on the example of building recommender systemsСитчихина Мария Сергеевна; Sitcihina Maria Sergeevna
2019Comparison of standard shade charts for visual perception of tooth colourШахбазян Андраник Гагикович; Sahbazan Andranik Gagikovic
2020A comparison of survey results according to the potential and potential gradient scheme in the natural electric field methodЛопатина Валентина Игоревна; Lopatina Valentina Igorevna
2019The comparison of the composition and properties of soil humic substances obtained by different methodsСазанова Екатерина Витальевна; Sazanova Ekaterina Vitalevna
дек-2016Comparison of the entropy of ideal gas mixture with total entropy of the components obtained from itGunko, Yurii F.; Kulikov, Alexander A.
2023Comparison of the human resource management system in Russia and ChinaАнь Цзюньли; An Czunli
2011The comparison of the innovative activities of national and international companies operating on the Russian marketSpivak, Svetlana; Спивак, С.
2017Comparison of the mandible location in intercuspal position with reference to centric relation of jaws in normal occlusion and in malocclusionСкупченко Михаил Дмитриевич; Skupchenko Mikhail
2018Comparison of the mechanical stability of the tooth restorations with post-and-core tab and glassfiber postЗайцева Елизавета Николаевна; Zaitseva Elizaveta
июн-2020A comparison of the missionary method and cultural integration of Jesuits: A study in China and Vietnam during the 16th and 17th centuriesThuan, Truong Anh; Sang, Nguyen Van
2022Comparison of the properties of sludge treatment products obtained by two methods - vermicomposting and oxidative-hydrolytic degradationСазанова Екатерина Витальевна; Sazanova Ekaterina Vitalevna
2018Comparison of the regulatory oversight of clinical trials conducted in the United States of America and the Russian FederationРоманенко Ольга Николаевна; Romanenko Olga
2021A comparison of the sealing properties of dental sealers under oral cavity conditionsКозаев Юрий Владимирович; Kozaev Urij Vladimirovic
1964Comparison of the specificity of ultra-violet and X-rays action on mutability of yeastInge-Vechtomov, S.G.; Kožin, S.A.; Инге-Вечтомов, С.Г.; Кожин, С.А.
reviewSV_IMG_1401.JPG.jpg2017Comparison of the system of verbs of movement in Portuguese and SpanishКузьмина Анастасия Александровна; Kuzmina Anastasiia
2017A comparison of the Third Reich with Germany's historical context of 1935–1938 in the "Chasovoy" magazineВоронов Всеволод Валентинович; Voronov Vsevolod
2022Comparison of the ways of linguistic representation of gender stereotypes: A case study of the language of the InternetЕрмакова Кристина Васильевна; Ermakova Kristina Vasilevna
2016Comparison of translation transformations as illustrated by translations and interpretations of American and British politicians' speechesКоляго Анна Алексеевна; Koliago Anna
сен-2019Comparison of two modified point-mass trajectory models of an artillery shellKonosevich, Boris I.; Konosevich, Yuliya B.