Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Leznina Elena Aleksandrovna

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Результаты 1 по 20 из 20
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Algorithm for detecting spoofing manipulations in the stock marketЛазарев Александр Николаевич; Lazarev Aleksandr Nikolaevic
2021Applying Shapley vector to interpret machine learning modelsМусаева Аида Александровна; Musaeva Aida Aleksandrovna
2022Assessment of economy state with the aid of simulation modellingГордюшин Денис Сергеевич; Gordusin Denis Sergeevic
2021Bayesian equilibrium in Bertrand competitionБерестюкова Валерия Михайловна; Berestukova Valeria Mihajlovna
2022Comparative analysis of automatic control approaches to a vehicle suspension systemЧугунов Никита Алексеевич; Cugunov Nikita Alekseevic
2019Contract modelling in conditions of asymmetric informationСеребрякова Виктория Олеговна; Serebrakova Viktoria Olegovna
2020Critical mass in social networksГусева Алина Михайловна; Guseva Alina Mihajlovna
2020Development of optimal dishes cooking scheduling program for catering establishmentsЗыков Артем Юрьевич; Zykov Artem Urevic
2020Excess-based solution concepts in interval gamesТарасов Антон Алексеевич; Tarasov Anton Alekseevic
2019Fuzzy mathematical models in economicsСтегару Данила Александрович; Stegaru Danila Aleksandrovic
2019Game-theoretic modelling in geneticsБузмаков Григорий Александрович; Buzmakov Grigorij Aleksandrovic
2021Heuristic algorithms in logistics systemsПоляков Иван Михайлович; Polakov Ivan Mihajlovic
2019Mathematical model of supply chain with random demandКалин Сергей Александрович; Kalin Sergej Aleksandrovic
2019Mathematical models of currency risk hedgingНиколаев Константин Игоревич; Nikolaev Konstantin Igorevic
2020Mining the network value of customersГригорян Ева Артуровна; Grigoran Eva Arturovna
2024Optimisation of advertising costs in social networks by means of influence modelsСубботина Екатерина Андреевна; Subbotina Ekaterina Andreevna
2024Optimisation of flight task planning in the company of PJSC Rosneft Oil CompanyРудакова София Святославовна; Rudakova Sofia Svatoslavovna
2019Orbits in the regular field of nonspherical stellar systemsТараскина Анастасия Николаевна; Taraskina Anastasia Nikolaevna
2021The problem of supply chain elements placementНиколаев Константин Игоревич; Nikolaev Konstantin Igorevic
2021The problem of the Chinese postman in the application to the work organization of municipal equipmentПопова Светлана Константиновна; Popova Svetlana Konstantinovna