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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Analyzing the environmental performance of business units to create Green supply chainГозман Марк Константинович; Gozman Mark Konstantinovic
2020The «Belt and Road Initiative» Container Terminals’ Throughput Handling Capacity: Measurement of Current Performance in Search for ImprovementЧэнь Шэнлун; Cen Senlun
2023Building a Rating of Universities of the Russian Federation Based on the Assessment of the Effectiveness of their Activities in Accordance with the Standards of Universities of the 2nd and 3rd GenerationsНиконова Анастасия Андреевна; Nikonova Anastasia Andreevna
2020Comparative operational efficiency analysis of cargo terminals in airports of Russian Federation and abroadКуимов Иван Алексеевич; Kuimov Ivan Alekseevic
2021Competitive and cooperative solutions in the distribution supply networkПольникова Мария Александровна; Polnikova Maria Aleksandrovna
2020Digitalization of logistics company: implementation of digital technologies in warehouses of logistics operator X.Новиков Владислав Сергеевич; Novikov Vladislav Sergeevic
2022Economic Development Factors Measurement and Comparative Analysis of Air CarriersГоршунов Александр Дмитриевич; Gorsunov Aleksandr Dmitrievic
2020An Empirical Study of Russian Container Terminals’ Handling Capacity on the Basis of Production Frontier ApproachПровоторова Анна Алексеевна; Provotorova Anna Alekseevna
2022An Empirical Study on Museum Performance EvaluationЛи Иян; Li Ian
2020Estimation and comparative analysis of technical efficiency of territorial grid companies from PJSC "RusHydro" and PJSC "Rosseti"Митин Никита Владимирович; Mitin Nikita Vladimirovic
2021Identification of directions for mastering the restaurant's performance on the basis of technical efficiency measurementsСоловьева Екатерина Александровна; Soloveva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2021Improvement of electronic interaction between members of external economic activity and state monitoring bodies (on the initiative of The Association of Importers of Horticultural Products)Василенко Елизавета Викторовна; Vasilenko Elizaveta Viktorovna
2021Improvement of the sales management process of logistics services in Sea Lines companyТомашевская Дарья Викторовна; Tomasevskaa Dara Viktorovna
2021Improving supply planning for the SKL GroupЧолаков Панайот Филипович; Colakov Panajot Filipovic
2020Improving the management of regional consolidated deliveries of General Cargo Limited Liability CompanyЖуравлёв Никита Алексеевич; Zuravlev Nikita Alekseevic
2020Improving the organization of vehicle refueling process on the CNG station-3 in Saint PetersburgЯкимович Александра Игоревна; Akimovic Aleksandra Igorevna
2021Improving warehouse management of "Chagoda Glassworks and Co." companyГвичия Гия Гиаевич; Gvicia Gia Giaevic
2021Measuring performance of Russian higher education institutions using the university generations theoryБикинёв Станислав Витальевич; Bikinev Stanislav Vitalevic
2021Operational Efficiency of Russian Steel Companies: Comparative Study of SFA and DEA AssesmentsЯкушев Даниил Игоревич; Akusev Daniil Igorevic
2020Optimization of product supply chain management: the case of Danone RussiaМатвеева Ольга Юрьевна; Matveeva Olga Urevna