Browsing by Author Denisov Aleksandr Fedorovic

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Adaptation of Employees in the Conditions of RelocationНиколаев Кирилл; Nikolaev Kirill
2022Barriers and Prospects of VR/AR Technologies in Personnel Training and Development in Russian CompaniesТарасевич Наталья Валерьевна; Tarasevic Natala Valerevna
2020Consulting project for the selection of Digital recruitment toolsВасильева Диана Валерьевна; Vasileva Diana Valerevna
2020Developing recommendations for improving involvement level among employees of Marriott hotelНор-Аревян Илья Андреевич; NorArevan Ila Andreevic
2022Digitalization in the Selection of Personnel in Large Russian CompaniesУкраинская Дарья Руслановна; Ukrainskaa Dara Ruslanovna
2023Employee Performance Management in the Sales DepartmentМарьяненко Варвара Сергеевна; Maranenko Varvara Sergeevna
2023Employee Satisfaction with the Well-Being Program Implemented in the Company Association VASTБухарова Маргарита; Buharova Margarita
2021Evolution of employee selection methods. From traditional to digitalizationБелякова Александра Александровна; Belakova Aleksandra Aleksandrovna
2023Features of the Communicative Culture of Organizations in the Post Pandemic PeriodКудряшов Степан Антонович; Kudrasov Stepan Antonovic
2021Gamification in human resource management on the example of Russian and foreign companiesСкорняков Максим Алексеевич; Skornakov Maksim Alekseevic
2022The Impact of Family and Work Role Interaction on the Subjective Well-Being of Female Employees with ChildrenХваткова Мария Ильинична; Hvatkova Maria Ilinicna
2020Improvement of the functional interaction between employees of different age groups in the company "Elite"Морозова Александра Михайловна; Morozova Aleksandra Mihajlovna
2023The influence of Leader Behavior on Employee Engagement in a Logging CompanyСедунова Дарья Александровна; Sedunova Dara Aleksandrovna
2023Onboarding of IT Companies' Employees During RelocationЯроцкая Анна Сергеевна; Arockaa Anna Sergeevna
2022Personnel Evaluation as a Factor of Motivation or Demotivation of EmployeesПастухова Анастасия Германовна; Pastuhova Anastasia Germanovna
2020The place of HRM in family business: the case of Japanese innovative companyБыхова Милена Викторовна; Byhova Milena Viktorovna
2023Strategy of Recruitment of Administrators оn Restaurant Bussiness ExampleНикулин Пётр Михайлович; Nikulin Petr Mihajlovic
2022Trust as a Factor of Successful Work in Virtual TeamsГерцог Александр Михайлович; Gercog Aleksandr Mihajlovic