Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы BogdanovaBeglaran Natala Viktorovna

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Результаты 1 по 12 из 12
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Evaluative construction <P – N1 отдыхает ("is resting")> in Russian everyday speech: Structure and features of functioningКолосовская Татьяна Леонидовна; Kolosovskaa Tatana Leonidovna
2022Features of the construction of a spontaneous monologue-description (a case study of Russian speech of native Chinese speakers)Се Жои; Se Zoi
2023Functional and semantic analysis of the construction "уйти в + Aсс" ("go to + Acc") in everyday Russian speechСмирнова Анастасия Евгеньевна; Smirnova Anastasia Evgenevna
2023Lexical and grammatical potential of the word "история" ("history") in modern everyday discourseБазаржапова Алтана Доржиевна; Bazarzapova Altana Dorzievna
2021Pragmatic markers of approximation in the modern Russian speech: Correlations with the speaker's personality typeГорбунова Дарья Александровна; Gorbunova Dara Aleksandrovna
2021Prosody of hesitation pragmatic markers in Russian oral speechСулимова Татьяна Сергеевна; Sulimova Tatana Sergeevna
2021Repetition as a discursive means in Russian oral monologue speechЗавадская Юлия Олеговна; Zavadskaa Ulia Olegovna
2021Repetition-hesitation and repetition-correction in Russian oral spontaneous speech of foreignersКупина Мария Евгеньевна; Kupina Maria Evgenevna
2023Speech connectors "в плане" ("v plane")/ "в этом плане" ("v etom plane")/ "в том плане что" ("v tom plane chto") in Russian everyday speechБаженова Анастасия Германовна; Bazenova Anastasia Germanovna
2021Spontaneous narrative monologue in a non-native language: Errors typologyБабчук Анна Игоревна; Babcuk Anna Igorevna
2023Word "самый" ("samyi") as a component of phraseological unit of the modern Russian speechСунь Сяоли; Sun Saoli
2021The word SUCH in the light of grammaticalization and pragmaticization in the Russian oral speechШклярук Екатерина Ярославовна; Sklaruk Ekaterina Aroslavovna