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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019Bilateral relations of Jordan with the global actors of international relations: the USA, Russia, ChinaБадван Нора Аймановна; Badvan Nora Ajmanovna
2024Brand of the city as a tool of soft power: the case of the cities of Madrid and RomeКветная Полина Михайловна; Kvetnaa Polina Mihajlovna
2019The comparison of methods of brand state positioning: Case studies of Russia and FranceКосцов Никита Артемович; Koscov Nikita Artemovic
2020The digital public diplomacies of the United States of America and Canada: a comparative analysisСоболь Лада Константиновна; Sobol Lada Konstantinovna
2021Digitalization of the environmental image of Russian and French companies: social media as a tool for building a green imageКаратеева Ксения Сергеевна; Karateeva Ksenia Sergeevna
2023Education Diplomacy: the experience of JapanМисан Елизавета Михайловна; Misan Elizaveta Mihajlovna
2024Energy transition in Russia and Canada in the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goal №7 implementationРодионова Ульяна Денисовна; Rodionova Ulana Denisovna
2023Expansion of U.S. LNG exportsБлизнюкова Елизавета Павловна; Bliznukova Elizaveta Pavlovna
2021The green agenda in EU institutions: the balance of power between interest groups and their influence on environmental policyСкирдова Юлиана Олеговна; Skirdova Uliana Olegovna
2019The implementation of economic diplomacy by the Head of State of the Kingdom of Spain with regard to the countries of North Africa and Latin AmericaАбрамова Алена Викторовна; Abramova Alena Viktorovna
2023International Courts and the development of the US legal systemСидорова Елена Алексеевна; Sidorova Elena Alekseevna
2019The main issues of energy cooperation between Russia and the EU at the present stageКамалов Артур Рафисович; Kamalov Artur Rafisovic
2019The phenomenon of United States mass culture after the Cold War through the prism of cultural Marxism`s conceptsДавиденко Ян Олегович; Davidenko An Olegovic
2020The position of US political parties in cyberspaceХу Вэньхуа; Hu Venhua
2024Prospects for the development of digital diplomacy in the context of expanding opportunities for the use of generative artificial intelligenceЛазарова Эллина Руслановна; Lazarova Ellina Ruslanovna
2024Prospects of the democracy promotion policy in the post-bipolar era: the case of the USA and the EUСавостьянов Артем Андреевич; Savostanov Artem Andreevic
2019Russia and institutions of the international trade system: New challenges and opportunitiesНовиков Кирилл Андреевич; Novikov Kirill Andreevic
2021US foreign economic activity in liquefied natural gas markets as a mechanism of political leverage against Russia in the 21st centuryСмывин Михаил Михайлович; Smyvin Mihail Mihajlovic
2020The US foreign educational policy towards Russia as a soft power instrument: development trendsМишикян Кристина Овиковна; Misikan Kristina Ovikovna
2019The use of a System of Independent Personnel Assessment in state bodies and international organisations: Russian and foreign experience, implementation practiceМачнев Кирилл Евгеньевич; Macnev Kirill Evgenevic