Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Ярыгин Григорий Олегович

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019Bilateral relations of Jordan with the global actors of international relations: the USA, Russia, ChinaБадван Нора Аймановна; Badvan Nora Ajmanovna
2024Brand of the city as a tool of soft power: the case of the cities of Madrid and RomeКветная Полина Михайловна; Kvetnaa Polina Mihajlovna
2019The comparison of methods of brand state positioning: Case studies of Russia and FranceКосцов Никита Артемович; Koscov Nikita Artemovic
2020The digital public diplomacies of the United States of America and Canada: a comparative analysisСоболь Лада Константиновна; Sobol Lada Konstantinovna
2021Digitalization of the environmental image of Russian and French companies: social media as a tool for building a green imageКаратеева Ксения Сергеевна; Karateeva Ksenia Sergeevna
2018Donald Trump's election campaign 2016: The Latin American dimensionКоваленко Павел Вячеславович; Kovalenko Pavel
2023Education Diplomacy: the experience of JapanМисан Елизавета Михайловна; Misan Elizaveta Mihajlovna
2024Energy transition in Russia and Canada in the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goal №7 implementationРодионова Ульяна Денисовна; Rodionova Ulana Denisovna
2023Expansion of U.S. LNG exportsБлизнюкова Елизавета Павловна; Bliznukova Elizaveta Pavlovna
2021The green agenda in EU institutions: the balance of power between interest groups and their influence on environmental policyСкирдова Юлиана Олеговна; Skirdova Uliana Olegovna
2017The impact of the Federal Republic of Germany on the development of the climate policy of the European UnionОрлова Юлия Сергеевна; Orlova Iuliia
2019The implementation of economic diplomacy by the Head of State of the Kingdom of Spain with regard to the countries of North Africa and Latin AmericaАбрамова Алена Викторовна; Abramova Alena Viktorovna
2023International Courts and the development of the US legal systemСидорова Елена Алексеевна; Sidorova Elena Alekseevna
2017Key features of oil and gas MNCs in transition states. Case studies of ExxonMobil in Angola, Venezuela, and RussiaИльиных Мария Алексеевна; Ilinykh Mariia
2017Legal mechanisms regulating the energy diplomacy of the Nordic countries: Challenges and development prospectsПетухова Алёна Сергеевна; Petukhova Alena
2018Lobbying Russia's business interests in EU institutionsШелудько Станислав Сергеевич; Sheludko Stanislav
2019The main issues of energy cooperation between Russia and the EU at the present stageКамалов Артур Рафисович; Kamalov Artur Rafisovic
2017The phenomenon of Swedish innovative economy: The energy sector and the environmentСорокопуд Мария Игоревна; Sorokopud Mariia
2019The phenomenon of United States mass culture after the Cold War through the prism of cultural Marxism`s conceptsДавиденко Ян Олегович; Davidenko An Olegovic
2020The position of US political parties in cyberspaceХу Вэньхуа; Hu Venhua