Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Силинская Наталия Павловна

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Результаты 1 по 20 из 20
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Author's neologisms in science fiction as a translation issueДеветьярова Наталья Тахировна; Devetarova Natala Tahirovna
2018Comparative analysis of English and Russian language social advertisingОстапенко Анастасия Игоревна; Ostapenko Anastasiia
2018English and Russian degustation terms: A case study of soft drinksНиколаева Анфиса Александровна; Nikolaeva Anfisa
2017English-Russian legal terminology in the aspect of film translationАбдрахманова Эльфия Тальгатовна; Abdrakhmanova Elfiia
2023Euphemisms and dysphemisms in English and Russian political discourseШвабаур Екатерина Андреевна; Svabaur Ekaterina Andreevna
2023Evaluation in internet reviews: Linguistic and cultural featuresСоколова Анастасия Сергеевна; Sokolova Anastasia Sergeevna
2016Genre and stylistic features of English and Russian film reviewsИонова Анастасия Альбертовна; Ionova Anastasiia
2021Genre and stylistic features of English and Russian music review genreХегай Надежда Анатольевна; Hegaj Nadezda Anatolevna
2023Genre and stylistic features of English and Russian theatre reviewsИлларионова Полина Игоревна; Illarionova Polina Igorevna
2021Interlingual conceptual correspondences in English and Russian terminological groups of forensic linguisticsМышук Анастасия Александровна; Mysuk Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2024Language means of creating the image of a musician in B. MacLaverty’s novel "Grace Notes"Уткина Анастасия Андреевна; Utkina Anastasia Andreevna
2021Linguocultural features of English riddlesЗахаревич Екатерина Руслановна; Zaharevic Ekaterina Ruslanovna
2024Pejorative connotation in interpreting of political discourseПершина Арина Алексеевна; Persina Arina Alekseevna
2018The realia of legal culture as a translation problem: A case study of American novels in the ‘courtroom drama’ genreВершинина Мария Александровна; Vershinina Mariia
2017Representation of the concept "CHRISTMAS" in British and American songsКолпина Маргарита Александровна; Kolpina Margarita
2023Strategies of preserving the author's individual style in translation of a literary text: A case study of Theodore Dreiser’s novelСадырова Азиза; Sadyrova Aziza
2023The topical cluster for "absurd/absurdity" in beat poetry by Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, and Lawrence FerlinghettiШиробакина Елизавета Алексеевна; Sirobakina Elizaveta Alekseevna
2017Translation of imaginary world realia as illustrated by the "Game of Thrones" television seriesНефедова Оксана Максимовна; Nefedova Oksana
2022Translation of proper names in computer games as a linguocultural problem in localisationМеркулова Анна Сергеевна; Merkulova Anna Sergeevna
2022Translation of realia in literary texts (a case study of short stories by Ivan Bunin and their English translations)Слепова Алена Дмитриевна; Slepova Alena Dmitrievna