Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Митренина Ольга Владимировна

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Результаты 1 по 19 из 19
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Approaches to building a dialogue system on autism spectrum disorder with transformer architectureФирсанова Виктория Игоревна; Firsanova Viktoria Igorevna
2017Automatic extraction of news in social media using WekaКороткова Елизавета Алексеевна; Korotkova Elizaveta
2017Automatic generation of domain-specific sentiment dictionaries as illustrated by bank reviewsЮшина Татьяна Андреевна; Iushina Tatiana
2022Automatic identification of useful feedback from comments to the educational resources of the JetBrains Academy platformВаренникова Анастасия Станиславовна; Varennikova Anastasia Stanislavovna
2018Building syntactic analysis rules of user requests in a question answering systemКоваленко Владислав Сергеевич; Kovalenko Vladislav
2022Creating a tool for the study of metrics and rhythmics of a poetic textМедведев Никита Дмитриевич; Medvedev Nikita Dmitrievic
2022Development of a recommendation system for the film selection in the process of dialogueБирина Екатерина Дмитриевна; Birina Ekaterina Dmitrievna
2021Evaluation of the text readability level impact on the popularity of reviews on the Kinopoisk serviceКороткова Анна Андреевна; Korotkova Anna Andreevna
2018Fine-Grained Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis of Russian News TextsРешетникова Арина Андреевна; Reshetnikova Arina
2018Investigation of the factors influencing the popularity of social networks' postsНикитин Лев Сергеевич; Nikitin Lev
2022The personification methods of text-based dialogue systems in Russian and EnglishХолманский Артём Александрович; Holmanskij Artem Aleksandrovic
2017The problem of development of sentiment analysis systems for messages in the Ukrainian languageВасильева Анна Станиславовна; Vasileva Anna
2017Problems of creation hybrid machine translation system from Esperanto to Russian languageОрлова Дарья; Orlova Darja
2023Role of the verb argument structure in the understanding of its semantics by Russian-native pre-schoolers: An experimental researchЮткина Мария Вячеславовна; Utkina Maria Vaceslavovna
2018Sentiment analysis of political news articlesНиколаева Дарья Игоревна; Nikolaeva Daria
2022Study of conversational interfaces testing technicsКоваль Ангелина Александровна; Koval Angelina Aleksandrovna
2016A study of segmentation parameters in statistical machine translation from Arabic into RussianБань Дмитрий Юрьевич; Ban Dmitrii
2018Study of the automatic translation evaluation metrics based on the professional literary translationsАрутюнова Ирина Аркадьевна; Arutyunova Irina
2018The Use of Enclitic Particles: Corpus-Based and Experimental ResearchТамилина Дарья Сергеевна; Tamilina Daria