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Результаты 1 по 9 из 9
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2022Analysing the Performance of Leading Conversational AI Companies in Countries Based on Open DatasetsКумар Нутеш; Kumar Nutes
2021Digital Transformation in Small and Medium Enterprises: Russian Regional B2B Retailer CaseШафинский Никита Алексеевич; Safinskij Nikita Alekseevic
2021The Eeffects of Omnichannel Context-Specific Factors on Consumers’ Purchase IntentionДорофеев Денис Николаевич; Dorofeev Denis Nikolaevic
2020Factors Affecting the Franchise Choice in Restaurant Industry in the Russian Market and Role of Digitalization in ThemИодко Валерий Юрьевич; Iodko Valerij Urevic
2021Factors Impact Consumer Purchase Intention during Live StreamingФэн Янь; Fen An
2020Impact of ERP System on Company Performance in Additional Education Market in RussiaКиценко Максим; Kicenko Maksim
2021Maturity of Russian Enterprises in Implementation of Data AnalyticsЕгоренко Денис Владиславович; Egorenko Denis Vladislavovic
2021Potential of Blokchain Implementation in Healthcare IoT from Business and Consumer PerspectiveШестун Александр Александрович; Sestun Aleksandr Aleksandrovic
2020Research of AI Healthcare Companies in AI Race Leading Countries Based on Crunchbase DatasetМазуров Илья Витальевич; Mazurov Ila Vitalevic