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2018Application of Monte Carlo Simulation in Residual Earning Model for IPO-Prices EstimationЕвстафьев Егор Витальевич; Evstafev Egor
2021The Board of Directors (BoD) Configuration and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Disclosure: Evidence from Emerging MarketsПапасова Вера Михайловна; Papasova Vera Mihajlovna
2018Capital Structure and Corporate Governance Mechanisms in Russian CompaniesКрасовская Полина Олеговна; Krasovskaia Polina
2017Corporate governance and risk takingБеликова Патрисия Робертовна; Belikova Patrisiya
2017The correlation between accounting and marketing indicators of a companyСидоров Егор Михайлович; Sidorov Egor
2017The correlation between cash balances and financial performance of a companyШакланова Мария Александровна; Shaklanova Mariia
2016Earning management around CEO turnover: Comparison of Russia and ChileЛейва Урреа Хуан Луис; Leiva Urrea Juan Luis
2016Human capital of foreign members of board of directors and company financial performance: Russian evidenceКозлова Анастасия Александровна; Kozlova Anastasiia
2017Human Capital of Women on Board of Directors and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: Evidence from Russian CompaniesГринчак Дарья Васильевна; Grinchak Daria
2016Implementation of Simultaneous Equations Model to Forecasting Residual Income of Russian Oil CompaniesСенников Игорь Олегович; Sennikov Igor
reviewSV_YArovaya_YU__mag_rec.JPG.jpg2017Industry Specific Value Creation Drivers of Oil and Gas Companies in Russia, India and ChinaЯровая Юлия Вячеславовна; Yarovaya Yulia
2017Intangibles as a Driving Force of Company’s Value in Cosmetics IndustryВоблая Ольга Валентиновна; Voblaia Olga
2018Relationship Between Characteristics of Board of Directors and IPO UnderpricingМалафеев Артем Алексеевич; Malafeev Artem
2018The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Practices and Market Performance: Evidence From Tobacco CompaniesПлотникова Анита Сергеевна; Plotnikova Anita
2018Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures and Performance Indicators of Russian CompaniesТихонова Кристина Александровна; Tikhonova Kristina
2018Relationship Between Dividend Payments and Stock Price DynamicsДжантелиева Жасмина Талантовна; Dzhantelieva Zhasmina
2016The relationship between human capital assets of a board of directors and financial performance of Russian companiesКехиопуло Ольга Феофиловна; Kekhiopulo Olga
2017The Relationship Between Human Capital of Female Members of Board of Directors and Financial Performance Indicators: Russian EvidenceБутырина Анастасия Романовна; Butyrina Anastasiia
2017The Relationship Between Innovation Activities and CEO Compensation: Evidence From European Pharmaceutical CompaniesВолков Кирилл Андреевич; Volkov Kirill
2017The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital of Board of Directors and IPO Performance of Russian Companies: Comparative Analysis of MOEX and LSEМостивенко Тимофей Евгеньевич; Mostivenko Timofei