Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Баева Галина Андреевна

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Vetrova3.jpg.jpg2016Actualisation of the "Gl?ck" concept in various discoursesВетрова Виктория Олеговна; Vetrova Viktoriia
2021Formulation of the educational task as an object of language education: A case study of German textbooksКорешков Василий Константинович; Koreskov Vasilij Konstantinovic
2021Functions of metaphors in the English language political discourseДай Чан; Daj Can
2024Kalendergeschichte as a type of text (based on J.P. Hebel)Жадан Елизавета Дмитриевна; Zadan Elizaveta Dmitrievna
2018Kiezdeutsch: Language and communicative stuctures of ethnolect and their functionsЗамалтдинова Лилия Наиловна; Zamaltdinova Liliia
2016Linguistic and communication characteristics of dialogues in German didactic literature in XIII-XIV centuriesКомпанеева Ирина Владимировна
2024Linguistic and pragmatic potential of discursive particles in the language of young people (based on the material of the modern German language)Сидельникова Виктория Константиновна; Sidelnikova Viktoria Konstantinovna
2022Linguistic and pragmatic potential of the dialect in Eva Menasse's novel "Vienna"Бахур Маргарита Дмитриевна; Bahur Margarita Dmitrievna
2021Linguistic means of expressing emotions in religious and mystical literature of the late Middle Ages (based on the material of Russian and German)Фризен Виктория Сергеевна; Frizen Viktoria Sergeevna
2018Linguo-pragmatic potential of task definition: A case study of German textbooksЛаврентюк Анна Валерьевна; Lavrentiuk Anna
2017Metalinguistic characteristics of Mikhail Lomonosov's "Russian Grammar" (1757) and its German translation ("Rußische Grammatick", 1764)Рычкова Анастасия Андреевна; Rychkova Anastasiia
2024National and cultural specificity of diminutives in the German languageФенченко Лилия Сергеевна; Fencenko Lilia Sergeevna
2022National-cultural and pragmalinguistic features of social advertising (a study of German, English, and Russian advertising text)Успенская Анастасия; Uspenskaa Anastasia
2021Peculiarities of translation of English proverbs and sayings into RussianЛи Чанеуи; Li Caneui
2021Role and functions of Austrian dialectisms in advertisementsБурмистрова Екатерина Руслановна; Burmistrova Ekaterina Ruslanovna
2017Text-generating functions of the discourse words dȏ/dȃ in Middle High GermanЩукина Катерина Витальевна; Shchukina Katerina
2023Type of the text "phrasebook" in translation and intercultural aspects: A case study of phrasebooks of the 20th-21st centuriesКудрина Александра Вячеславовна; Kudrina Aleksandra Vaceslavovna
2016Types and functions of headings in a monastery statute as illustrated by "Benediktiner Regel"Смирнова Анастасия Михайловна; Smirnova Anastasiia
2021Upper German dialects: Linguocultural analysisПономарёва Анастасия Алексеевна; Ponomareva Anastasia Alekseevna
2018The use of precedent statements in German advertisingТурбина Мария Викторовна; Turbina Mariia