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Результаты 42 по 61 из 72 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Factors of Cryptocurrency Adoption in Russia: A UTAUT Model AnalysisТетеля Дан; Tetela Dan
2021Family Ownership and Financial Performance: Evidence from Automotive IndustryДжафарова Амалия Сафалановна; Dzafarova Amalia Safalanovna
2020The Impact of Corporate News on the Company’s Stock PriceБуланенко Арина Андреевна; Bulanenko Arina Andreevna
2016Institutional investor activism and value creation at emerging marketsГолубцов Глеб Сергеевич; Golubtsov Gleb
2021Intellectual capital of a board of directors, innovation activity and firm performanceКарабатова Татьяна Анатольевна; Karabatova Tatana Anatolevna
2016Interrelations between multiple large shareholders and company valuation: Evidence from Russian public companiesШарамко Анастасия Сергеевна; Sharamko Anastasiia
2017Level of Compliance with Best Corporate Governance Practices and Company Value: Evidence From Russian Public CompaniesНадькина Екатерина; Nadkina Yekaterina
2018M&A Deals’ Characteristics and After-Merger Bidder Financial Performance: the Case of UK IT IndustryИльясов Эмиль Ильясович; Ilyasov Emil
2020Methodological issues of risk management control: the role of the board of directors in large corporationsРыжакова Софья Львовна; Ryzakova Sofa Lvovna
2023Multiple Directorship and Financial Performance of Russian Public Companies in 2014-2020Спирина Полина Владимировна; Spirina Polina Vladimirovna
2023Network Effects and Financial Performance of Marketplaces: Empirical StudyМедведев Александр Васильевич; Medvedev Aleksandr Vasilevic
2021Ownership Structure and Cross-Border M&A Performance: the Study of Chinese CompaniesХуан Цзюньцзе; Huan Czuncze
2022The Reaction of the Stock Market to Dividend "Surprises": an Analysis of the Russian and Chinese MarketsПопова Милана Олеговна; Popova Milana Olegovna
2017Relationship between board members tenure and firm performanceЖереб Екатерина Сергеевна; Zhereb Ekaterina
2024Relationship between Corporate Governance Characteristics and Stock Price Volatility of Companies in the Chinese MarketМогилевская Анна Павловна; Mogilevskaa Anna Pavlovna
2024Relationship between Corporate Governance System and Value of Chinese Public CompaniesДавидчук Даниил Андреевич; Davidcuk Daniil Andreevic
2024The Relationship between ESG Factors and Financial Performance of M&A Deals: a Study of the Chinese and Russian MarketsАбдульманова Альфия; Abdulmanova Alfia
2016The relationship between financial performance of Russian public companies and their compliance with the best practices of corporate governanceПахтусова Анна Александровна; Pakhtusova Anna
2024The Relationship between the Characteristics of the CEO and Financial Performance: a Study of Russian Medium and Small Capitalization CompaniesХватков Тимофей Ильич; Hvatkov Timofej Ilic
2022The Relationship Between the System of Corporate Governance, the Level of Financial Distress and the Level of Earnings Management in Russian CompaniesХлыстунов Евгений Андреевич; Hlystunov Evgenij Andreevic