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Результаты 1-10 из 172.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2012On Classification of Russian Journals in EconomicsMuravyev, Alexander A.
2012An Experiment on Decision Making under Risk and UncertaintyArchavski, Victor Yu.; Okulov, Vitaly L.
2006Innovation activity in industrial sector of St. Petersburg economy: Econometric analysis of generated effectsRumyantcev, Alexei A.; Fedotov, Yuri V.
2012Human potential as a factor of developing national competitiveness of Brazil, Russia, India and ChinaZavyalova, Elena K.; Kosheleva, Sofia V.
2006Electronic corporate governance and problems of transparency of the information: Comparative pilot researchBukhvalov, Alexander V.; Ilina, Yulia B.; Bandaljuk, Olesya V.
2010The origin of scientific management systems in RussiaSemenov, Andrey A.
2006Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). Russia: Results of 2006Belyakov, Vladimir G.; Verkhovskaya, Olga R.; Dermanov, Vassily K.; Rumyantseva, Maria N.
2012Quality of Secondary Education in Russia: Between Soviet Legacy and Challenges of Global CompetitivenessBaranov, Igor N.
2006Application of ethnographical methods to studying consumer decisions processBogomolova, Liudmila N.
2011General Theory of Sales in the Context of "Development-Growth" DichotomyBarkan, David J.