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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 105
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Comparative analysis of phraseological units with the monetary units component (a case study of the Russian, Ukrainian and Polish languages)Шестакова-Стукун Алёна Сергеевна; SestakovaStukun Alena Sergeevna
2021Lexical features of the headlines of the modern Danish press in the context of political discourseШишкина Анна Андреевна; Siskina Anna Andreevna
2021Features of the implementation of the category of emotiveness in Russian person-centered Internet texts: Stylistic aspectЧжу Юньпин; Czu Unpin
2021Eastern roots of the Cinderella storyПханаван Латхсадапхон; Phanavan Lathsadaphon
2021National cultural distinct features of the concepts “state”, "nation", "empire", "power" in Russian and Chinese linguistic pictures of the worldЧжан Пэйлинь; Czan Pejlin
2021The text-forming function of constructions expressing conditionality relations in the text of Russian laws (a case study of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights")Чжан Синь; Czan Sin
2021Discourse features of contemporary U.S. presidential debatesШноль Ксения Эдуардовна; Snol Ksenia Eduardovna
2021The tragic nature of Leonid Andreev’s dramas and the functions of symbolizationПак Синджу; Pak Sindzu
2021Non-imperative ways to implement incentive in Tajik and English languagesАбдулхамидов Тахмурас Илхомович; Abdulhamidov Tahmuras Ilhomovic
2021The study of "Water supply" domain term system features using corpus-based method (in English, German and Russian)Новикова Александра Алексеевна; Novikova Aleksandra Alekseevna
2021Worldview in fantasy literature and its interpretation in the translation: A case study of J.K.Rowling's "Harry Potter" and Rick Riordan's "Percy Jackson"Мозгачева Екатерина Александровна; Mozgaceva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2021Keywords in the genre of war memoirs as cognitive dominants of narrative organizationМа Жуе; Ma Zue
2021"Painting" in Yevgeny Zamyatin's prose: Theory and practiceВан Хунюань; Van Hunuan
2021Verbalization of stereotypes of ugliness in the Russian and Chinese languages (a case study of fixed expressions)Чжоу Ян; Czou An
2021Formation of foreign students communicative competence in writing in the genre of annotation to a scientific article: a cognitive approachГо Юйцзе; Go Ujcze
2021Methods of Teaching Russian grammar to Chinese students (A1–B1)Сунь Юй; Sun Uj
2021Digital technologies in developing phonetic skills of adult learners at B2-C1 levels of proficiencyБелоусова Владислава Олеговна; Belousova Vladislava Olegovna
2021Pragmatic markers of approximation in the modern Russian speech: Correlations with the speaker's personality typeГорбунова Дарья Александровна; Gorbunova Dara Aleksandrovna
2021The study of sentiment-related words in product reviews on the Yandex.MarketЧечнева Надежда Сергеевна; Cecneva Nadezda Sergeevna
2021Teaching of students specializing in linguistics to translate culture-oriented vocabulary of the Colombian national variant of the Spanish language.Никульникова Надежда Юрьевна; Nikulnikova Nadezda Urevna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 105